class SoftLayer::VirtualServer

Instance of this class represent servers that are virtual machines in the SoftLayer environment.

This class roughly corresponds to the entity SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest in the API.



The active transaction (if any) for this virtual server. Transactions are used to make configuration changes to the server and only one transaction can be active at a time.

DEPRECATION WARNING: This attribute is deprecated in favor of #active_transaction and will be removed in the next major release.


The active transaction (if any) for this virtual server. Transactions are used to make configuration changes to the server and only one transaction can be active at a time.


Storage devices attached to the server. Storage may be local to the host running the Virtual Server, or it may be located on the SAN

DEPRECATION WARNING: This attribute is deprecated in favor of #block_devices and will be removed in the next major release.


Storage devices attached to the server. Storage may be local to the host running the Virtual Server, or it may be located on the SAN


A count of the number of virtual processing cores allocated to the server.


The last operating system reload transaction that was run for this server. wait_until_ready compares the ID of this transaction to the ID of the active transaction to determine if an OS reload is in progress.

DEPRECATION WARNING: This attribute is deprecated in favor of #last_operating_system_reload and will be removed in the next major release.


The last operating system reload transaction that was run for this server. wait_until_ready compares the ID of this transaction to the ID of the active transaction to determine if an OS reload is in progress.


The date the Virtual Server was provisioned. This attribute can be nil if the SoftLayer system has not yet finished provisioning the server (consequently this attribute is used by the wait_until_ready method to determine when a server has been provisioned)

DEPRECATION WARNING: This attribute is deprecated in favor of #provisioned_at and will be removed in the next major release.


The date the Virtual Server was provisioned. This attribute can be nil if the SoftLayer system has not yet finished provisioning the server (consequently this attribute is used by the wait_until_ready method to determine when a server has been provisioned)

Public Class Methods

default_object_mask() click to toggle source

Returns the default object mask used when fetching servers from the API

Calls superclass method SoftLayer::Server.default_object_mask
# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServer.rb, line 312
def self.default_object_mask
  sub_mask = {
    "mask(SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest)" => [
      'activeTransaction[id, transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]]',
      'networkComponents[id, status, speed, maxSpeed, name, macAddress, primaryIpAddress, port, primarySubnet]',
      'blockDeviceTemplateGroup[id, name, globalIdentifier]'

find_servers(options_hash = {}) click to toggle source

Retrieve a list of virtual servers from the account.

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

You may filter the list returned by adding options:

  • :hourly (boolean) - Include servers billed hourly in the list

  • :monthly (boolean) - Include servers billed monthly in the list

  • :tags (string/array) - an array of strings representing tags to search for on the instances

  • :cpus (int/array) - return virtual servers with the given number of (virtual) CPUs

  • :memory (int/array) - return servers with at least the given amount of memory (in MB. e.g. 4096 = 4GB)

  • :hostname (string/array) - return servers whose hostnames match the query string given (see ObjectFilter::query_to_filter_operation)

  • :domain (string/array) - filter servers to those whose domain matches the query string given (see ObjectFilter::query_to_filter_operation)

  • :local_disk (boolean) - include servers that do, or do not, have local disk storage

  • :datacenter (string/array) - find servers whose short data center name (e.g. dal05, sjc01) matches the query string given (see ObjectFilter::query_to_filter_operation)

  • :nic_speed (int/array) - include servers with the given nic speed (in Mbps, usually 10, 100, or 1000)

  • :public_ip (string/array) - return servers whose public IP address matches the query string given (see ObjectFilter::query_to_filter_operation)

  • :private_ip (string/array) - same as :public_ip, but for private IP addresses

Additionally you may provide options related to the request itself:

  • :object_filter (ObjectFilter) - Include servers that match the criteria of this object filter

  • :object_mask (string) - A object mask of properties, in addition to the default properties, that you wish to retrieve for the servers

  • :result_limit (hash with :limit, and :offset keys) - Limit the scope of results returned.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServer.rb, line 250
def self.find_servers(options_hash = {})
  softlayer_client = options_hash[:client] || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  if(options_hash.has_key? :object_filter)
    object_filter = options_hash[:object_filter]
    raise "Expected an instance of SoftLayer::ObjectFilter" unless object_filter.kind_of?(SoftLayer::ObjectFilter)
    object_filter =

  option_to_filter_path = {
    :cores      => "virtualGuests.maxCpu",
    :memory     => "virtualGuests.maxMemory",
    :hostname   => "virtualGuests.hostname",
    :domain     => "virtualGuests.domain",
    :local_disk => "virtualGuests.localDiskFlag",
    :datacenter => "",
    :nic_speed  => "virtualGuests.networkComponents.maxSpeed",
    :public_ip  => "virtualGuests.primaryIpAddress",
    :private_ip => "virtualGuests.primaryBackendIpAddress",
    :tags       => ""

  if options_hash.has_key?(:local_disk) then
    options_hash[:local_disk] = options_hash[:local_disk] ? 1 : 0

  # For each of the options in the option_to_filter_path map, if the options hash includes
  # that particular option, add a clause to the object filter that filters for the matching
  # value
  option_to_filter_path.each do |option, filter_path|
    object_filter.modify { |filter| filter.accept(filter_path).when_it is(options_hash[option])} if options_hash[option]

  required_properties_mask = ''

  account_service = softlayer_client[:Account]
  account_service = account_service.object_filter(object_filter) unless object_filter.empty?
  account_service = account_service.object_mask(default_object_mask.to_sl_object_mask)
  account_service = account_service.object_mask(options_hash[:object_mask]) if options_hash[:object_mask]

  if options_hash[:result_limit] && options_hash[:result_limit][:offset] && options_hash[:result_limit][:limit]
    account_service = account_service.result_limit(options_hash[:result_limit][:offset], options_hash[:result_limit][:limit])

  when options_hash[:hourly] && options_hash[:monthly]
    virtual_server_data = account_service.getVirtualGuests()
  when options_hash[:hourly]
    virtual_server_data = account_service.getHourlyVirtualGuests()
  when options_hash[:monthly]
    virtual_server_data = account_service.getMonthlyVirtualGuests()
    virtual_server_data = account_service.getVirtualGuests()

  virtual_server_data.collect { |server_data|, server_data) }
server_with_id(server_id, options = {}) click to toggle source

Retrieve the virtual server with the given server ID from the API

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

The options may include the following keys

  • :object_mask (string) - A object mask of properties, in addition to the default properties, that you wish to retrieve for the server

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServer.rb, line 205
def self.server_with_id(server_id, options = {})
  softlayer_client = options[:client] || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  vg_service = softlayer_client[:Virtual_Guest]
  vg_service = vg_service.object_mask(default_object_mask.to_sl_object_mask)

  if options.has_key?(:object_mask)
    vg_service = vg_service.object_mask(options[:object_mask])

  server_data = vg_service.object_with_id(server_id).getObject()

  return, server_data)

Public Instance Methods

cancel!() click to toggle source

IMMEDIATELY cancel this virtual server

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServer.rb, line 113
def cancel!
capture_image(image_name, include_attached_storage = false, image_notes = '') click to toggle source

Capture a disk image of this virtual server for use with other servers.

image_name will become the name of the image in the portal.

If include_attached_storage is true, the images of attached storage will be included as well.

The image_notes should be a string and will be added to the image as notes.

The routine returns the instance of SoftLayer::ImageTemplate that is created. That image template will probably not be available immediately, however. You may use the #wait_until_ready routine of SoftLayer::ImageTemplate to wait on it.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServer.rb, line 132
def capture_image(image_name, include_attached_storage = false, image_notes = '')
  image_notes = '' if !image_notes
  image_name = 'Captured Image' if !image_name

  disk_filter = lambda { |disk| disk['device'] == '0' }
  disk_filter = lambda { |disk| disk['device'] != '1' } if include_attached_storage

  disks =

  self.service.createArchiveTransaction(image_name, disks, image_notes) if disks && !disks.empty?

  image_templates = SoftLayer::ImageTemplate.find_private_templates(:name => image_name)
  image_templates[0] if !image_templates.empty?
service() click to toggle source

Returns the SoftLayer Service that represents calls to this object For VirtualServers the service is SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest and addressing this object is done by id.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServer.rb, line 339
def service
  return softlayer_client[:Virtual_Guest].object_with_id(
upgrade_options(force_update=false) click to toggle source

Retrieve information about items that are available for upgrades.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServer.rb, line 100
sl_dynamic_attr :upgrade_options do |resource|
  resource.should_update? do
    @upgrade_options == nil

  resource.to_update do
wait_until_ready(max_trials, wait_for_transactions = false, seconds_between_tries = 2) { |ready| ... } click to toggle source

Repeatedly polls the API to find out if this server is 'ready'.

The server is ready when it is provisioned and any operating system reloads have completed.

If wait_for_transactions is true, then the routine will poll until all transactions (not just an OS Reload) have completed on the server.

max_trials is the maximum number of times the routine will poll the API seconds_between_tries is the polling interval (in seconds)

The routine returns true if the server was found to be ready. If max_trials is exceeded and the server is still not ready, the routine returns false

If a block is passed to this routine it will be called on each trial with a boolean argument representing whether or not the server is ready

Calling this routine will (in essence) block the thread on which the request is made.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServer.rb, line 166
def wait_until_ready(max_trials, wait_for_transactions = false, seconds_between_tries = 2)
  # pessimistically assume the server is not ready
  num_trials = 0

    has_os_reload = has_sl_property? :lastOperatingSystemReload
    has_active_transaction = has_sl_property? :activeTransaction

    reloading_os = has_active_transaction && has_os_reload && (self.last_operating_system_reload['id'] == self.active_transaction['id'])
    provisioned = has_sl_property?(:provisionDate) && ! self['provisionDate'].empty?

    # a server is ready when it is provisioned, not reloading the OS
    # (and if wait_for_transactions is true, when there are no active transactions).
    ready = provisioned && !reloading_os && (!wait_for_transactions || !has_active_transaction)

    num_trials = num_trials + 1

    yield ready if block_given?

    sleep(seconds_between_tries) if !ready && (num_trials <= max_trials)
  end until ready || (num_trials >= max_trials)
