class SoftLayer::Client

A client is responsible for storing authentication information for API calls and it serves as a central repository for the Service instances that call into the network API.

When you create a client, you pass in hash arguments specifying how the client should access the SoftLayer API.

The following symbols are the keys for options you pass to the constructor:

If any of these are missing then the Client class will look to the SoftLayer::Config class to provide the missing information. Please see that class for details.



An API key passed as part of the authentication of each request. Cannot be empty or nil.


The base URL for requests that are passed to the server. Cannot be empty or nil.


An integer value (in seconds). The number of seconds to wait for HTTP requests to the network API until they timeout. This value can be nil in which case the timeout will be the default value for the library handling network communication (often 30 seconds)


A string passed as the value for the User-Agent header when requests are sent to SoftLayer API.


A username passed as authentication for each request. Cannot be empty or nil.

Public Class Methods

default_client() click to toggle source

:attr_accessor: The client class can maintain a single instance of Client as the “default client” Other parts of the library that accept a client as part of their calling sequence will look for the default client if one is not provided in the call

This routine returns the client set as the default client. It can be nil

# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 53
def self.default_client
  return @@default_client
default_client=(new_default) click to toggle source
# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 57
def self.default_client=(new_default)
  @@default_client = new_default
new(options = {}) click to toggle source

Clients are built with a number of settings:

  • :username - The username of the account you wish to access through the API

  • :api_key - The API key used to authenticate the user with the API

  • :endpoint_url - The API endpoint the client should connect to. This defaults to API_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT

  • :user_agent - A string that is passed along as the user agent when the client sends requests to the server

  • :timeout - An integer number of seconds to wait until network requests time out. Corresponds to the #network_timeout property of the client

If these arguments are not provided then the client will try to locate them using other sources including global variables, and the SoftLayer config file (if one exists)

# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 99
def initialize(options = {})
  @services = { }

  settings = Config.client_settings(options)

  # pick up the username from the options, the global, or assume no username
  @username = settings[:username]

  # do a similar thing for the api key
  @api_key = settings[:api_key]

  # grab token pair
  @userId = settings[:userId]
  @authToken = settings[:authToken]

  # and the endpoint url
  @endpoint_url = settings[:endpoint_url] || API_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT

  # set the user agent to the one provided, or set it to a default one
  @user_agent = settings[:user_agent] || "softlayer_api gem/#{SoftLayer::VERSION} (Ruby #{RUBY_PLATFORM}/#{RUBY_VERSION})"

  # and assign a time out if the settings offer one
  @network_timeout = settings[:timeout] if settings.has_key?(:timeout)

  raise "A SoftLayer Client requires an endpoint URL" if !@endpoint_url || @endpoint_url.empty?
with_password(options = {}) click to toggle source

This will be using your username and password to get a portal token with which to authenticate client calls. This is a wrapper around ::new. You can pass it the same parameters as with ::new, with the exception that this will be expecting a password in the options hash.

# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 67
def self.with_password(options = {})
  if options[:username].nil? || options[:username].empty?
    raise 'A username is required to create this client'

  if options[:password].nil? || options[:password].empty?
    raise 'A password is required to create this client'

  service ='SoftLayer_User_Customer')
  token = service.getPortalLoginToken(
    options[:username], options[:password]

  options[:userId] = token['userId']
  options[:authToken] = token['hash']

Public Instance Methods

[](service_name) click to toggle source
# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 190
def [](service_name)
authentication_headers() click to toggle source

return a hash of the authentication headers for the client

# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 137
def authentication_headers
  if token_based?
      'authenticate' => {
        'complexType' => 'PortalLoginToken',
        'userId' => @userId,
        'authToken' => @authToken
  elsif key_based?
      'authenticate' => {
        'username' => @username,
        'apiKey' => @api_key
key_based?() click to toggle source

return whether this client is using api_key-based authentication

# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 132
def key_based?
  @username && !@username.empty? && @api_key && !@api_key.empty?
service_named(service_name, service_options = {}) click to toggle source

Returns a service with the given name.

If a service has already been created by this client that same service will be returned each time it is called for by name. Otherwise the system will try to construct a new service object and return that.

If the service has to be created then the service_options will be passed along to the creative function. However, when returning a previously created Service, the service_options will be ignored.

If the service_name provided does not start with 'SoftLayer_' that prefix will be added

# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 170
def service_named(service_name, service_options = {})
  raise ArgumentError,"Please provide a service name" if service_name.nil? || service_name.empty?

  # Strip whitespace from service_name and ensure that it starts with "SoftLayer_".
  # If it does not, then add the prefix.
  full_name = service_name.to_s.strip
  if not full_name =~ /\ASoftLayer_/
    full_name = "SoftLayer_#{service_name}"

  # if we've already created this service, just return it
  # otherwise create a new service
  service_key = full_name.to_sym
  if !@services.has_key?(service_key)
    @services[service_key] =, {:client => self}.merge(service_options))

token_based?() click to toggle source

return whether this client is using token-based authentication

# File lib/softlayer/Client.rb, line 127
def token_based?
  @userId && @authToken && !@authToken.empty?