class SoftLayer::Service

SoftLayer API Service

Instances of this class are the runtime representation of services in the SoftLayer API. They handle communication with the SoftLayer servers.

You typically should not need to create services directly. instead, you should be creating a client and then using it to obtain individual services. For example:

client = => "Joe", :api_key=>"feeddeadbeefbadfood...")
account_service = client.service_named("Account") # returns the SoftLayer_Account service
account_service = client[:Account] # Exactly the same as above

For backward compatibility, a service can be constructed by passing client initialization options, however if you do so you will need to prepend the “SoftLayer_” on the front of the service name. For Example:

account_service = SoftLayer::Service("SoftLayer_Account",
:username=>"<your user name here>"
:api_key=>"<your api key here>")

A service communicates with the SoftLayer API through the the XML-RPC interface using Ruby's built in classes

Once you have a service, you can invoke methods in the service like this:

=> {... lots of information here representing the list of open tickets ...}



The name of the service that this object calls. Cannot be empty or nil.

Public Class Methods

new(service_name, options = {}) click to toggle source
# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 79
    def initialize (service_name, options = {})
      raise ArgumentError,"Please provide a service name" if service_name.nil? || service_name.empty?

      # remember the service name
      @service_name = service_name;

      # Collect the keys relevant to client creation and pass them on to construct
      # the client if one is needed.
      client_keys = [:username, :api_key, :endpoint_url]
      client_options = options.inject({}) do |new_hash, pair|
        if client_keys.include? pair[0]
          new_hash[pair[0]] = pair[1]


      # if the options hash already has a client
      # go ahead and use it
      if options.has_key? :client
        if !client_options.empty?
          raise RuntimeError, "Attempting to construct a service both with a client, and with client initialization options. Only one or the other should be provided."

        @client = options[:client]
        # Accepting client initialization options here
        # is a backward-compatibility feature.

        if $DEBUG
          $stderr.puts %q{
Creating services with Client initialization options is deprecated and may be removed
in a future release. Please change your code to create a client and obtain a service
using either client.service_named('<service_name_here>') or client['<service_name_here>']}

        @client =

      # this has proven to be very helpful during debugging. It helps prevent infinite recursion
      # when you don't get a method call just right
      @method_missing_call_depth = 0 if $DEBUG

Public Instance Methods

call_softlayer_api_with_params(method_name, parameters, args) click to toggle source

Issue an HTTP request to call the given method from the SoftLayer API with the parameters and arguments given.

Parameters are information about the call, the object mask or the particular object in the SoftLayer API you are calling.

Arguments are the arguments to the SoftLayer method that you wish to invoke.

This is intended to be used in the internal processing of #method_missing and need not be called directly.

# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 221
def call_softlayer_api_with_params(method_name, parameters, args)
  additional_headers = {};

  # The client knows about authentication, so ask him for the auth headers
  authentication_headers = self.client.authentication_headers

  if parameters && parameters.server_object_filter
    additional_headers.merge!("#{@service_name}ObjectFilter" => parameters.server_object_filter)

  # Object masks go into the headers too.
  if parameters && parameters.server_object_mask
    object_mask = parameters.server_object_mask
    additional_headers.merge!("SoftLayer_ObjectMask" => { "mask" => object_mask }) unless object_mask.empty?

  # Result limits go into the headers
  if (parameters && parameters.server_result_limit)
    additional_headers.merge!("resultLimit" => { "limit" => parameters.server_result_limit, "offset" => (parameters.server_result_offset || 0) })

  # Add an object id to the headers.
  if parameters && parameters.server_object_id
    additional_headers.merge!("#{@service_name}InitParameters" => { "id" => parameters.server_object_id })

  # This is a workaround for a potential problem that arises from mis-using the
  # API. If you call SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest and you call the getObject method
  # but pass a virtual guest as a parameter, what happens is the getObject method
  # is called through an HTTP POST verb and the API creates a new VirtualServer that
  # is a copy of the one you passed in.
  # The counter-intuitive creation of a new Virtual Server is unexpected and, even worse,
  # is something you can be billed for. To prevent that, we ignore the request
  # body on a "getObject" call and print out a warning.
  if (method_name == :getObject) && (nil != args) && (!args.empty?) then
    $stderr.puts "Warning - The getObject method takes no parameters. The parameters you have provided will be ignored."
    args = nil

  # Collect all the different header pieces into a single hash that
  # will become the first argument to the call.
  call_headers = {
    "headers" => additional_headers

    call_value =, call_headers, *args)
  rescue XMLRPC::FaultException => e
    puts "A XMLRPC Fault was returned #{e}" if $DEBUG

  return call_value
method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) click to toggle source

This is the primary mechanism by which requests are made. If you call the service with a method it doesn't understand, it will send a call to the endpoint for a method of the same name.

Calls superclass method
# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 180
def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
  # During development, if you end up with a stray name in some
  # code, you can end up in an infinite recursive loop as method_missing
  # tries to resolve that name (believe me... it happens).
  # This mechanism looks for what it considers to be an unreasonable call
  # depth and kills the loop quickly.
    @method_missing_call_depth += 1
    if @method_missing_call_depth > 3 # 3 is somewhat arbitrary... really the call depth should only ever be 1
      @method_missing_call_depth = 0
      raise "stop infinite recursion #{method_name}, #{args.inspect}"

  # if we're in debug mode, we put out a little helpful information
  puts "SoftLayer::Service#method_missing called #{method_name}, #{args.inspect}" if $DEBUG

  if(!block && method_name.to_s.match(/[[:alnum:]]+/))
    result = call_softlayer_api_with_params(method_name, nil, args);
    result = super

    @method_missing_call_depth -= 1

  return result
object_filter(filter) click to toggle source

Add an object filter to the request.

# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 172
def object_filter(filter)
  proxy =
  return proxy.object_filter(filter)
object_mask(*args) click to toggle source

Use this as part of a method call chain to add an object mask to the request. The arguments to object mask should be well formed Extended Object Mask strings:

ticket_service.object_mask("mask[ticket.createDate, ticket.modifyDate]", "mask(SoftLayer_Some_Type).aProperty").getObject

The #object_mask becomes part of the request sent to the server

# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 156
def object_mask(*args)
  proxy =
  return proxy.object_mask(*args)
object_with_id(object_of_interest) click to toggle source

Use this as part of a method call chain to identify a particular object as the target of the request. The parameter is the SoftLayer object identifier you are interested in. For example, this call would return the ticket whose ID is 35212

# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 143
def object_with_id(object_of_interest)
  proxy =
  return proxy.object_with_id(object_of_interest)
result_limit(offset, limit) click to toggle source

Use this as part of a method call chain to reduce the number of results returned from the server. For example, if the server has a list of 100 entities and you only want 5 of them, you can get the first five by using #result_limit(0,5). Then for the next 5 you would use #result_limit(5,5), then #result_limit(10,5) etc.

# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 166
def result_limit(offset, limit)
  proxy =
  return proxy.result_limit(offset, limit)
target() click to toggle source

Added here so that the interface of this class matches that of APIParameterFilter. In APIParameterFilter the target is a service. In a service, the target is itself.

# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 132
def target
  return self
to_ary() click to toggle source

If this is not defined for Service, then when you print a service object the code will try to convert it to an array and end up calling #method_missing

We define this here to prevent odd calls to the SoftLayer API

# File lib/softlayer/Service.rb, line 282
def to_ary