class SoftLayer::ImageTemplate

A Virtual Server Image Template.

This class roughly corresponds to the unwieldily named SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group service:



The universally unique identifier (if any) for the template. Can be nil.


The 'friendly name' given to the template when it was created


The notes, if any, that are attached to the template. Can be nil.

Public Class Methods

find_private_templates(options_hash = {}) click to toggle source

Retrieve a list of the private image templates from the account.

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client. If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

Additional options that may be provided:

  • :name (string/array) - Return templates with the given name

  • :global_id (string/array) - Return templates with the given global identifier

  • :tags (string/array) - Return templates with the tags

Additionally you may provide options related to the request itself:

  • :object_filter (ObjectFilter) - Include private image templates for templates that matche the

    criteria of this object filter
  • :object_mask (string, hash, or array) - The object mask of properties you wish to receive for the items returned.

    If not provided, the result will use the default object mask
  • :result_limit (hash with :limit, and :offset keys) - Limit the scope of results returned.

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 225
def self.find_private_templates(options_hash = {})
  softlayer_client = options_hash[:client] || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  if(options_hash.has_key? :object_filter)
    object_filter = options_hash[:object_filter]
    raise "Expected an instance of SoftLayer::ObjectFilter" unless object_filter.kind_of?(SoftLayer::ObjectFilter)
    object_filter =

  option_to_filter_path = {
    :name      => "",
    :global_id => "privateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups.globalIdentifier",
    :tags      => ""

  # For each of the options in the option_to_filter_path map, if the options hash includes
  # that particular option, add a clause to the object filter that filters for the matching
  # value
  option_to_filter_path.each do |option, filter_path|
    object_filter.modify { |filter| filter.accept(filter_path).when_it is(options_hash[option])} if options_hash[option]

  account_service = softlayer_client[:Account]
  account_service = account_service.object_filter(object_filter) unless object_filter.empty?
  account_service = account_service.object_mask(default_object_mask)
  account_service = account_service.object_mask(options_hash[:object_mask]) if options_hash[:object_mask]

  if options_hash[:result_limit] && options_hash[:result_limit][:offset] && options_hash[:result_limit][:limit]
    account_service = account_service.result_limit(options_hash[:result_limit][:offset], options_hash[:result_limit][:limit])

  templates_data = Array(account_service.getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups)
  templates_data.collect { |template_data|, template_data) }
find_public_templates(options_hash = {}) click to toggle source

Retrieve a list of public image templates

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

Additional options that may be provided:

  • :name (string/array) - Return templates with the given name

  • :global_id (string/array) - Return templates with the given global identifier

  • :tags (string/array) - Return templates with the tags

Additionally you may provide options related to the request itself:

  • :object_filter (ObjectFilter) - Include public image templates for templates that matche the

    criteria of this object filter
  • :object_mask (string, hash, or array) - The object mask of properties you wish to receive for the items returned.

    If not provided, the result will use the default object mask
  • :result_limit (hash with :limit, and :offset keys) - Limit the scope of results returned.

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 284
def self.find_public_templates(options_hash = {})
  softlayer_client = options_hash[:client] || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  if(options_hash.has_key? :object_filter)
    object_filter = options_hash[:object_filter]
    raise "Expected an instance of SoftLayer::ObjectFilter" unless object_filter.kind_of?(SoftLayer::ObjectFilter)
    object_filter =

  option_to_filter_path = {
    :name      => "name",
    :global_id => "globalIdentifier",
    :tags      => ""

  # For each of the options in the option_to_filter_path map, if the options hash includes
  # that particular option, add a clause to the object filter that filters for the matching
  # value
  option_to_filter_path.each do |option, filter_path|
    object_filter.modify { |filter| filter.accept(filter_path).when_it is(options_hash[option])} if options_hash[option]

  template_service = softlayer_client[:Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group]
  template_service = template_service.object_filter(object_filter) unless object_filter.empty?
  template_service = template_service.object_mask(default_object_mask)
  template_service = template_service.object_mask(options_hash[:object_mask]) if options_hash[:object_mask]

  if options_hash[:result_limit] && options_hash[:result_limit][:offset] && options_hash[:result_limit][:limit]
    template_service = template_service.result_limit(options_hash[:result_limit][:offset], options_hash[:result_limit][:limit])

  # Ensure this is an array with Array(). SL won't return array if the result set is of just one
  # (like when the user specifies a limit of 1)
  templates_data = Array(template_service.getPublicImages)
  templates_data.collect { |template_data|, template_data) }
template_with_global_id(global_id, options_hash = {}) click to toggle source

Retrieve the image template with the given global ID. The routine searches the public image template list first and the private image template list if no public image with the given id is found. If no template is found after searching both lists, then the function returns nil.

Should either search return more than one result (meaning the system found more than one template with the same #global_id), then the routine will throw an exception.

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

The options may include the following keys

  • :object_mask (string) - A object mask of properties, in addition to the default properties, that you wish to retrieve for the template

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 366
def self.template_with_global_id(global_id, options_hash = {})
  templates = find_public_templates(options_hash.merge(:global_id => global_id))
  if templates.empty? then
    templates = find_private_templates(options_hash.merge(:global_id => global_id))
  raise "ImageTemplate::template_with_global_id returned more than one template with the same global id.  This should not happen" if templates != nil && templates.count > 1
  templates.empty? ? nil : templates[0]
template_with_id(id, options_hash = {}) click to toggle source

Retrieve the Image Template with the given ID (Note! This is the service ID, not the globalIdentifier!)

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

The options may include the following keys

  • :object_mask (string) - A object mask of properties, in addition to the default properties, that you wish to retrieve for the template

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 336
def self.template_with_id(id, options_hash = {})
  softlayer_client = options_hash[:client] || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  service = softlayer_client[:Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group].object_with_id(id)
  service = service.object_mask(default_object_mask)
  service = service.object_mask(options_hash[:object_mask]) if options_hash[:object_mask]

  template_data = service.getObject, template_data)

Protected Class Methods

default_object_mask() click to toggle source
# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 377
def self.default_object_mask
  return "mask[id,accountId,name,note,globalIdentifier,datacenters,blockDevices,tagReferences,publicFlag,flexImageFlag,transactionId,children.transactionId]"

Public Instance Methods

available_datacenters() click to toggle source

Returns an array of the datacenters that this image can be stored in. This is the set of datacenters that you may choose from, when putting together a list you will send to the datacenters= setter.

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 110
def available_datacenters
  datacenters_data = self.service.getStorageLocations()
  datacenters_data.collect { |datacenter_data| SoftLayer::Datacenter.datacenter_named(datacenter_data['name']) }
datacenters() click to toggle source

Returns the an array containing the datacenters where this image is available.

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 80
def datacenters
  Array(self['datacenters']).collect do |datacenter_data|
datacenters=(datacenters_array) click to toggle source

Accepts an array of datacenters (instances of SoftLayer::Datacenter) where this image should be made available. The call will kick off one or more transactions to make the image available in the given datacenters. These transactions can take some time to complete.

Note that the template will be REMOVED from any datacenter that does not appear in this array! The list given must be comprehensive.

The #available_datacenters call returns a list of the values that are valid within this array.

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 97
def datacenters=(datacenters_array)
  datacenter_data = datacenters_array.collect do |datacenter|
    { "id" => }

delete!() click to toggle source

Creates a transaction to delete the image template and all the disk images associated with it.

This is a final action and cannot be undone. the transaction will proceed immediately.

Call it with extreme care!

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 160
def delete!
flex_image?() click to toggle source

true if the image template is a flex image Note that the flexImageFlag property comes back as a boolean

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 50
def flex_image?
notes=(new_notes) click to toggle source

Changes the notes on an template to be the given strings

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 56
def notes=(new_notes)
  # it is not a typo that this sets the "note" property.  The
  # property in the network api is "note", the model exposes it as
  # 'notes' for self-consistency
  self.service.editObject({ "note" => new_notes.to_s})
public?() click to toggle source

true if the image template is a flex image Note that the publicFlag property comes back as an integer (0 or 1)

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 43
def public?
  self['publicFlag'] != 0
rename!(new_name) click to toggle source

Change the name of the template

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 36
def rename!(new_name)
  self.service.editObject({ "name" => new_name.to_s})
service() click to toggle source

ModelBase protocol methods

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 195
def service
shared_with_accounts() click to toggle source

Returns a list of the accounts (identified by account ID numbers) that this image is shared with

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 119
def shared_with_accounts
  accounts_data = self.service.getAccountReferences
  accounts_data.collect { |account_data| account_data['accountId'] }
shared_with_accounts=(account_id_list) click to toggle source

Change the set of accounts that this image is shared with. The parameter is an array of account ID's.

Note that this routine will “unshare” with any accounts not included in the list passed in so the list should be comprehensive

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 132
def shared_with_accounts= (account_id_list)
  already_sharing_with = self.shared_with_accounts

  accounts_to_add = { |account_id| !already_sharing_with.include?(account_id) }

  # Note, using the network API, it is possible to "unshare" an image template
  # with the account that owns it, however, this leads to a rather odd state
  # where the image has allocated resources (that the account may be charged for)
  # but no way to delete those resources. For that reason this model
  # always includes the account ID that owns the image in the list of
  # accounts the image will be shared with.
  my_account_id = self['accountId']
  accounts_to_add.push(my_account_id) if !already_sharing_with.include?(my_account_id) && !accounts_to_add.include?(my_account_id)

  accounts_to_remove = { |account_id| (account_id != my_account_id) && !account_id_list.include?(account_id) }

  accounts_to_add.each {|account_id| self.service.permitSharingAccess account_id }
  accounts_to_remove.each {|account_id| self.service.denySharingAccess account_id }
softlayer_properties(object_mask = nil) click to toggle source
# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 199
def softlayer_properties(object_mask = nil)
tags() click to toggle source

Returns an array of the tags set on the image

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 65
def tags
  return self['tagReferences'].collect{ |tag_reference| tag_reference['tag']['name'] }
tags=(tags_array) click to toggle source

Sets the tags on the template. Note: a pre-existing tag will be removed from the template if it does not appear in the array given. The list of tags must be comprehensive.

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 73
def tags=(tags_array)
  as_strings = tags_array.collect { |tag| tag.to_s }
wait_until_ready(max_trials, seconds_between_tries = 2) { |ready| ... } click to toggle source

Repeatedly poll the network API until transactions related to this image template are finished

A template is not 'ready' until all the transactions on the template itself, and all its children are complete.

At each trial, the routine will yield to a block if one is given The block is passed one parameter, a boolean flag indicating whether or not the image template is 'ready'.

# File lib/softlayer/ImageTemplate.rb, line 175
def wait_until_ready(max_trials, seconds_between_tries = 2)
  # pessimistically assume the server is not ready
  num_trials = 0

    parent_ready = !(has_sl_property? :transactionId) || (self[:transactionId] == "")
    children_ready = (nil == self['children'].find { |child| child['transactionId'] != "" })

    ready = parent_ready && children_ready
    yield ready if block_given?

    num_trials = num_trials + 1
    sleep(seconds_between_tries) if !ready && (num_trials <= max_trials)
  end until ready || (num_trials >= max_trials)
