class SoftLayer::VirtualServerOrder_Package

This class is used to order a virtual server using a product package.

Ordering a server using a product package is a more complex process than ordering with simple attributes (as is done by the VirtualServerServerOrder class). However with that complexity comes the the ability to specify the configuration of the server in exacting detail.

To use this class, you first select a product package. The product package defines the base configuration of the server as well as the set of configuration options available for that server. To fully configure the server you must select the value for each configuration option.

This class roughly Corresponds to the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest data type in the SoftLayer API



The value of this property should be a hash. The keys of the hash are ProductItemCategory codes (like 'os' and 'ram') while the values may be Integers or Objects. The Integer values should be the id of a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price representing the configuration option chosen for that category. Objects must respond to the price_id message and return an integer that is the id of a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price. Instances of the ProductConfigurationOption class behave this way.

At a minimum, the #configuration_options should include entries for each of the categories required by the package (i.e. those returned from SoftLayer::ProductPackage#required_categories)


An instance of SoftLayer::Datacenter. The server will be provisioned in this data center. The set of datacenters available is determined by the package and may be obtained from the SoftLayer::ProductPackage object using the datacenter_options method.


The domain of the server being created (i.e. '' is the domain of


The hostname of the server being created (i.e. 'sldn' is the hostname of


Boolean, If true, an hourly server will be ordered, otherwise a monthly server will be ordered Corresponds to useHourlyPricing in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest container documentation


An instance of the SoftLayer::ImageTemplate class. Represents the image template that should be installed on the server.


The product package object (an instance of SoftLayer::ProductPackage) identifying the base configuration for the server. A Virtual Server product package is returned by SoftLayer::ProductPackage.virtual_server_package


Integer, The id of the private VLAN this server should join Corresponds to in the createObject documentation


The URI of a script to execute on the server after it has been provisioned. This may be any object which accepts the to_s message. The resulting string will be passed to SoftLayer API.

DEPRECATION WARNING: This attribute is deprecated in favor of #provision_script_uri and will be removed in the next major release.


The URI of a script to execute on the server after it has been provisioned. This may be any object which accepts the to_s message. The resulting string will be passed to SoftLayer API.


Integer, The id of the public VLAN this server should join Corresponds to in the createObject documentation


An array of the ids of SSH keys to install on the server upon provisioning To obtain a list of existing SSH keys, call getSshKeys on the SoftLayer_Account service:


String, User metadata associated with the instance Corresponds to userData in the SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest documentation

Public Class Methods

new(client = nil) click to toggle source

You initialize a VirtualServerOrder_Package by passing in the package that you are ordering from.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServerOrder_Package.rb, line 99
def initialize(client = nil)
  @softlayer_client = client || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !@softlayer_client

  @configuration_options = []
  @package               = SoftLayer::ProductPackage.virtual_server_package(@softlayer_client)

Public Instance Methods

place_order!() { |product_order| ... } click to toggle source

Submit the order to be executed by the SoftLayer ordering system. If successful this will probably result in additional billing items applied to your account!

If you add a block to the method call, it will receive the product order template before it is sent to the API. You may *carefully* make changes to the template to provide specialized configuration.

The return value of this call is a product order receipt. After submitting the order, it will proceed to Sales for authorization.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServerOrder_Package.rb, line 134
def place_order!
  product_order = virtual_server_order
  product_order = yield product_order if block_given?
verify() { |product_order| ... } click to toggle source

Present the order for verification by the SoftLayer ordering system. The order is verified, but not executed. This should not change the billing of your account.

If you add a block to the method call, it will receive the product order template before it is sent to the API. You may *carefully* make changes to the template to provide specialized configuration.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServerOrder_Package.rb, line 116
def verify
  product_order = virtual_server_order
  product_order = yield product_order if block_given?

Protected Instance Methods

virtual_server_order() click to toggle source

Construct and return a hash representing a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest based on the configuration options given.

# File lib/softlayer/VirtualServerOrder_Package.rb, line 145
def virtual_server_order
  product_order = {
    'packageId'        =>,
    'useHourlyPricing' => !!@hourly,
    'virtualGuests'    => [{
                             'domain'   => @domain,
                             'hostname' => @hostname

  #Note that the use of image_template and SoftLayer::ProductPackage os/guest_diskX configuration category
  #item prices is mutually exclusive.
  product_order['imageTemplateGlobalIdentifier']  = @image_template.global_id         if @image_template
  product_order['location']                       =                    if @datacenter
  product_order['provisionScripts']               = [@provision_script_URI.to_s]      if @provision_script_URI
  product_order['provisionScripts']               = [@provision_script_uri.to_s]      if @provision_script_uri
  product_order['sshKeys']                        = [{ 'sshKeyIds' => @ssh_key_ids }] if @ssh_key_ids
  product_order['virtualGuests'][0]['userData']   = @user_metadata                    if @user_metadata
  product_order['primaryNetworkComponent']        = { "networkVlan" => { "id" => @public_vlan_id.to_i } } if @public_vlan_id
  product_order['primaryBackendNetworkComponent'] = { "networkVlan" => {"id" => @private_vlan_id.to_i } } if @private_vlan_id

  product_order['prices'] = @configuration_options.collect do |key, value|
    if value.respond_to?(:price_id)
      price_id = value.price_id
      price_id = value.to_i

    { 'id' => price_id }
