class SoftLayer::ProductPackage

Each SoftLayer ProductPackage provides information about ordering a product or service from SoftLayer.

Product Item Categories

A important companion to Product Packages are ProductItemCategories. Each ProductItemCategory represents a set of options that you may choose from when configuring an attribute of the product or service you are ordering.

ProductItemCategories are identified by categoryCode. Examples of category codes include 'os', 'ram', and 'port_speed'.

For example, in a package for ordering a server, the 'os' ProductItemCategory contains the available choices for operating systems that may be provisioned on the server.

When you construct an order based on that package, you will make one selection from the 'os' category and put it into the order.

Package Configuration

A package also has a Configuration. A Configuration specifies which Categories are valid in an order and, more importantly, which Categories are *required* in any order that uses the ProductPackage.

When constructing an order, you *must* provide an option for each of the Categories that the Configuration marks as required (and you must supply a value even if the Category only has one choice)



The list of locations where this product package is available.


A friendly, readable name for the package

Public Class Methods

additional_products_package(client = nil) click to toggle source

The “Additional Products” package is a grab-bag of products and services. It has a “well known” id of 0

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 221
def self.additional_products_package(client = nil)
  return package_with_id(0, client)
bare_metal_instance_package(client = nil) click to toggle source

Returns the ProductPackage of the package used to order Bare Metal Servers with simplified configuration options.

At the time of this writing, the code assumes this package is unique

'BARE_METAL_CORE' is a “well known” constant for this purpose

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 205
def self.bare_metal_instance_package(client = nil)
  packages_with_key_name('BARE_METAL_CORE', client).first
bare_metal_server_packages(client = nil) click to toggle source

Returns an array of ProductPackages, each of which can be used as the foundation to order a bare metal server.

'BARE_METAL_CPU' is a “well known” constant for this purpose

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 214
def self.bare_metal_server_packages(client = nil)
  packages_with_key_name('BARE_METAL_CPU', client)
package_with_id(package_id, client = nil) click to toggle source

Requests a list (array) of ProductPackages whose key names match the one passed in.

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 181
def self.package_with_id(package_id, client = nil)
  softlayer_client = client || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  package_data = softlayer_client[:Product_Package].object_with_id(package_id).object_mask(self.default_object_mask('mask')).getObject, package_data)
packages_with_key_name(key_name, client = nil) click to toggle source

Requests a list (array) of ProductPackages whose key names match the one passed in. key_name may be a string or array.

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 164
def self.packages_with_key_name(key_name, client = nil)
  softlayer_client = client || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  filter = do |filter|
    filter.accept('type.keyName').when_it is(key_name)

  filtered_service = softlayer_client[:Product_Package].object_filter(filter).object_mask(self.default_object_mask('mask'))
  packages_data = filtered_service.getAllObjects
  packages_data.collect { |package_data|, package_data) }
virtual_server_package(client = nil) click to toggle source

Returns the ProductPackage of the package used to order virtual servers At the time of this writing, the code assumes this package is unique

'VIRTUAL_SERVER_INSTANCE' is a “well known” constant for this purpose

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 194
def self.virtual_server_package(client = nil)
  packages_with_key_name('VIRTUAL_SERVER_INSTANCE', client).first

Protected Class Methods

default_object_mask(root) click to toggle source
# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 232
def self.default_object_mask(root)

Public Instance Methods

categories(force_update=false) click to toggle source

Retrieve the full set of product categories contained in the package

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 105
sl_dynamic_attr :categories do |resource|
  resource.should_update? do
    @categories == nil

  resource.to_update do
    # This is a bit ugly, but what we do is ask for the configuration
    # which updates all the categories for the package (and marks those
    # that are required)

    # return the value constructed by the configuration
category(category_code) click to toggle source

Returns the product category with the given category code (or nil if one cannot be found)

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 129
def category(category_code)
  categories.find { |category| category.category_code == category_code }
configuration(force_update=false) click to toggle source

Retrieve the set of product categories needed to make an order for this product package.

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 54
sl_dynamic_attr :configuration do |resource|
  resource.should_update? do
    # only retrieved once per instance
    @configuration == nil

  resource.to_update do
    # We call +SoftLayer_Product_Package+ to get the configuration for this package.
    # Unfortunately, even though this call includes +SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category+ entities, it does not have the context
    # needed to find the active price items for that category.
    # Instead, we make a second call, this time to +SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories+. That method incorporates a complex
    # filtering mechanism on the server side to give us a list of the categories, groups, and prices that are valid for the current
    # account at the current time. We construct the ProductItemCategory objects from the results we get back.
    configuration_data = softlayer_client[:Product_Package].object_with_id("mask[isRequired,itemCategory.categoryCode]").getConfiguration()

    # We sort of invert the information and create a map from category codes to a boolean representing
    # whether or not they are required.
    required_by_category_code = configuration_data.inject({}) do |required_by_category_code, config_category|
      required_by_category_code[config_category['itemCategory']['categoryCode']] = (config_category['isRequired'] != 0)

    # This call to getCategories is the one that does lots of fancy back-end filtering for us
    categories_data = softlayer_client[:Product_Package].object_with_id(

    # Run though the categories and for each one that's in our config, create a SoftLayer::ProductItemCategory object.
    # Conveniently the +keys+ of the required_by_category_code gives us a list of the category codes in the configuration
    config_categories = required_by_category_code.keys

    # collect all the categories into an array
    @categories = categories_data.collect do |category_data|
      if config_categories.include? category_data['categoryCode'], category_data, required_by_category_code[category_data['categoryCode']])
      else, category_data, false)

    # The configuration consists of only those categories that are required. { |category| category.required? }
  end # to_update
datacenter_options() click to toggle source

Returns a list of the datacenters that this package is available in

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 135
def datacenter_options
  available_locations.collect { |location_data| Datacenter::datacenter_named(location_data['location']['name'], self.softlayer_client) }.compact
items_with_description(expected_description) click to toggle source

Returns the package items with the given description Currently this is returning the low-level hash representation directly from the Network API

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 143
def items_with_description(expected_description)
  filter = { |filter| filter.accept("items.description").when_it is(expected_description) }
  items_data = self.service.object_filter(filter).getItems()

  items_data.collect do |item_data|
    first_price = item_data['prices'][0], first_price)
required_categories() click to toggle source

Returns an array of the required categories in this package

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 123
def required_categories
service() click to toggle source

Returns the service for interacting with this package through the network API

# File lib/softlayer/ProductPackage.rb, line 156
def service