class SoftLayer::BareMetalServer

This class represents a Bare Metal Server, a hardware server in contrast to a virtual machine, in the SoftLayer Environment. It corresponds roughly to the SoftLayer_Hardware and SoftLayer_Hardware_Server services in the SoftLayer API

Public Class Methods

cancellation_reasons() click to toggle source

Returns a list of the cancellation reasons to use when cancelling a server.

When cancelling a server with the cancel! method, the first parameter is the reason and should be one of the keys in the hash returned by this method. This, in turn will be translated into a string which is, for all intents and purposes, a literal string constant with special meaning to the SoftLayer API.

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 103
def self.cancellation_reasons
    :unneeded => 'No longer needed',
    :closing => 'Business closing down',
    :cost => 'Server / Upgrade Costs',
    :migrate_larger => 'Migrating to larger server',
    :migrate_smaller => 'Migrating to smaller server',
    :datacenter => 'Migrating to a different SoftLayer datacenter',
    :performance => 'Network performance / latency',
    :support => 'Support response / timing',
    :sales => 'Sales process / upgrades',
    :moving => 'Moving to competitor',
default_object_mask() click to toggle source

Returns the default object mask used when fetching servers from the API when an explicit object mask is not provided.

Calls superclass method
# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 76
def self.default_object_mask
  sub_mask = {
    "mask(SoftLayer_Hardware_Server)" => [
                                          'activeTransaction[id, transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]]',
                                          'hardwareChassis[id, name]',
                                          'networkComponents[id, maxSpeed, name, ipmiIpAddress, ipmiMacAddress, macAddress, port, primaryIpAddress, primarySubnet, speed, status]',

find_servers(options_hash = {}) click to toggle source

Retrieve a list of Bare Metal servers from the account

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

You may filter the list returned by adding options:

  • :tags (string/array) - an array of strings representing tags to search for on the instances

  • :cpus (int/array) - return servers with the given number of (virtual) CPUs

  • :memory (int/array) - return servers with at least the given amount of memory (in Gigabytes)

  • :hostname (string/array) - return servers whose hostnames match the query string given (see ObjectFilter::query_to_filter_operation)

  • :domain (string/array) - filter servers to those whose domain matches the query string given (see ObjectFilter::query_to_filter_operation)

  • :datacenter (string/array) - find servers whose data center name matches the query string given (see ObjectFilter::query_to_filter_operation)

  • :nic_speed (int/array) - include servers with the given nic speed (in Mbps)

  • :public_ip (string/array) - return servers whose public IP address matches the query string given (see ObjectFilter::query_to_filter_operation)

  • :private_ip (string/array) - same as :public_ip, but for private IP addresses

Additionally you may provide options related to the request itself:

  • :object_filter (ObjectFilter) - Include hardware servers for servers that matche the

    criteria of this object filter
  • :object_mask (string, hash, or array) - The object mask of properties you wish to receive for the items returned.

    If not provided, the result will use the default object mask
  • :result_limit (hash with :limit, and :offset keys) - Limit the scope of results returned.

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 207
def self.find_servers(options_hash = {})
  softlayer_client = options_hash[:client] || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  if(options_hash.has_key? :object_filter)
    object_filter = options_hash[:object_filter]
    raise "Expected an instance of SoftLayer::ObjectFilter" unless object_filter.kind_of?(SoftLayer::ObjectFilter)
    object_filter =

  option_to_filter_path = {
    :cpus       => "hardware.processorPhysicalCoreAmount",
    :memory     => "hardware.memoryCapacity",
    :hostname   => "hardware.hostname",
    :domain     => "hardware.domain",
    :datacenter => "",
    :nic_speed  => "hardware.networkComponents.maxSpeed",
    :public_ip  => "hardware.primaryIpAddress",
    :private_ip => "hardware.primaryBackendIpAddress",
    :tags       => ""

  # For each of the options in the option_to_filter_path map, if the options hash includes
  # that particular option, add a clause to the object filter that filters for the matching
  # value
  option_to_filter_path.each do |option, filter_path|
    object_filter.modify { |filter| filter.accept(filter_path).when_it is(options_hash[option])} if options_hash[option]

  account_service = softlayer_client[:Account]
  account_service = account_service.object_filter(object_filter) unless object_filter.empty?
  account_service = account_service.object_mask(default_object_mask.to_sl_object_mask)
  account_service = account_service.object_mask(options_hash[:object_mask]) if options_hash[:object_mask]

  if options_hash[:result_limit] && options_hash[:result_limit][:offset] && options_hash[:result_limit][:limit]
    account_service = account_service.result_limit(options_hash[:result_limit][:offset], options_hash[:result_limit][:limit])

  bare_metal_data = account_service.getHardware()
  bare_metal_data.collect { |server_data|, server_data) }
server_with_id(server_id, options = {}) click to toggle source

Retrieve the bare metal server with the given server ID from the SoftLayer API

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

Additionally you may provide options related to the request itself:

  • :object_mask (string) - The object mask of properties you wish to receive for the items returned.

    If not provided, the result will use the default object mask
# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 162
def self.server_with_id(server_id, options = {})
  softlayer_client = options[:client] || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  hardware_service = softlayer_client[:Hardware_Server]
  hardware_service = hardware_service.object_mask(default_object_mask.to_sl_object_mask)

  if options.has_key?(:object_mask)
    object_mask = hardware_service.object_mask(options[:object_mask])

  server_data = hardware_service.object_with_id(server_id).getObject()

  return, server_data)

Public Instance Methods

bare_metal_instance?() click to toggle source

Returns true if this BareMetalServer is actually a Bare Metal Instance a Bare Metal Instance is physical, hardware server that is is provisioned to match a profile with characteristics similar to a Virtual Server

This is an important distinction in rare cases, like cancelling the server.

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 28
def bare_metal_instance?
  if has_sl_property?(:bareMetalInstanceFlag)
    self['bareMetalInstanceFlag'] != 0
cancel!(reason = :unneeded, comment = '') click to toggle source

Sends a ticket asking that a server be cancelled (i.e. shutdown and removed from the account).

The cancellation_reason parameter should be a key from the hash returned by ::cancellation_reasons.

You may add your own, more specific reasons for cancelling a server in the comments parameter.

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 46
def cancel!(reason = :unneeded, comment = '')
  if !bare_metal_instance? then
    cancellation_reasons = self.class.cancellation_reasons()
    cancel_reason = cancellation_reasons[reason] || cancellation_reasons[:unneeded]
    softlayer_client[:Ticket].createCancelServerTicket(, cancel_reason, comment, true, 'HARDWARE')
    # Note that reason and comment are ignored in this case, unfortunately
firewall_port_speed() click to toggle source

Returns the max port speed of the public network interfaces of the server taking into account bound interface pairs (redundant network cards).

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 121
def firewall_port_speed
  network_components = self.service.object_mask("mask[id,maxSpeed,networkComponentGroup.networkComponents]").getFrontendNetworkComponents()

  # Split the interfaces into grouped and ungrouped interfaces. The max speed of a group will be the sum
  # of the individual speeds in that group.  The max speed of ungrouped interfaces is simply the max speed
  # of that interface.
  grouped_interfaces, ungrouped_interfaces = network_components.partition{ |interface| interface.has_key?("networkComponentGroup") }

  if !grouped_interfaces.empty?
    group_speeds = grouped_interfaces.collect do |interface|
      interface['networkComponentGroup']['networkComponents'].inject(0) {|total_speed, component| total_speed += component['maxSpeed']}

    max_group_speed = group_speeds.max
    max_group_speed = 0

  if !ungrouped_interfaces.empty?
    max_ungrouped_speed = ungrouped_interfaces.collect { |interface| interface['maxSpeed']}.max
    max_ungrouped_speed = 0

  return [max_group_speed, max_ungrouped_speed].max
remote_management_accounts() click to toggle source

Returns the username/password combinations for remote management accounts

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 60
def remote_management_accounts
service() click to toggle source

Returns the typical Service used to work with this Server For Bare Metal Servers that is SoftLayer_Hardware though in some special cases you may have to use SoftLayer_Hardware_Server as a type or service. That service object is available through the hardware_server_service method

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServer.rb, line 69
def service
  return softlayer_client[:Hardware_Server].object_with_id(