class SoftLayer::Ticket



The date the ticket was last updated.

DEPRECATION WARNING: This attribute is deprecated in favor of #last_edited_at and will be removed in the next major release.


The date the ticket was last updated.


The ticket system maintains a fixed set of subjects for tickets that are used to ensure tickets make it to the right folks quickly


The title is an identifying string set when the ticket is created

Public Class Methods

create_standard_ticket(options = {}) click to toggle source

Create and submit a new support Ticket to SoftLayer.

The options parameter should contain:

:client - The client used to connect to the API

If no client is given, then the routine will try to use SoftLayer::Client.default_client If no client can be found the routine will raise an error.

The options should also contain:

  • :title (String) - The user provided title for the ticket.

  • :body (String) - The content of the ticket

  • :subject_id (Int) - The id of a subject to use for the ticket. A list of ticket subjects can be returned by ::ticket_subjects

  • :assigned_user_id (Int) - The id of a user to whom the ticket should be assigned

# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 155
def self.create_standard_ticket(options = {})
  softlayer_client = options[:client] || SoftLayer::Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  title = options[:title]
  body = options[:body]
  subject_id = options[:subject_id]
  assigned_user_id = options[:assigned_user_id]

  if(nil == assigned_user_id)
    current_user = softlayer_client[:Account].object_mask("id").getCurrentUser()
    assigned_user_id = current_user['id']

  new_ticket = {
    'subjectId' => subject_id,
    'contents' => body,
    'assignedUserId' => assigned_user_id,
    'title' => title

  ticket_data = softlayer_client[:Ticket].createStandardTicket(new_ticket, body)
  return new(softlayer_client, ticket_data)
default_object_mask() click to toggle source

Returns the default object mask,as a hash, that is used when retrieving ticket information from the SoftLayer server.

# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 78
def self.default_object_mask
    "mask" => [
      'id',                                                 # This is an internal ticket ID, not the one usually seen in the portal
      'serviceProviderResourceId',  # This is the ticket ID usually seen in the portal
      {'assignedUser' => ['username', 'firstName', 'lastName'] },
      'newUpdatesFlag',             # This comes in from the server as a Boolean value
      'awaitingUserResponseFlag',   # This comes in from the server as a Boolean value
      'serverAdministrationFlag',   # This comes in from the server as an integer :-(
ticket_subjects(client = nil) click to toggle source

Queries the SoftLayer API to retrieve a list of the valid ticket subjects.

# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 100
def self.ticket_subjects(client = nil)
  @ticket_subjects ||= nil

  if !@ticket_subjects
    softlayer_client = client || Client.default_client
    raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

    @ticket_subjects = softlayer_client[:Ticket_Subject].getAllObjects();

ticket_with_id(ticket_id, options = {}) click to toggle source

Find the ticket with the given ID and return it

Options should contain:

:client - the client in which to search for the ticket

If a client is not provided then the routine will search SoftLayer::Client.default_client If SoftLayer::Client.default_client is also nil the routine will raise an error.

Additionally you may provide options related to the request itself:

  • :object_mask (string) - The object mask of properties you wish to receive for the items returned.

    If not provided, the result will use the default object mask
# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 126
def self.ticket_with_id(ticket_id, options = {})
  softlayer_client = options[:client] || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  ticket_service = softlayer_client[:Ticket].object_with_id(ticket_id)
  ticket_service = ticket_service.object_mask(default_object_mask.to_sl_object_mask)
  ticket_service = ticket_service.object_mask(options[:object_mask]) if options[:object_mask]

  ticket_data    = ticket_service.getObject()

  return, ticket_data)

Public Instance Methods

has_updates?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the ticket has “unread” updates

# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 35
def has_updates?
server_admin_ticket?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the ticket is a server admin ticket

# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 41
def server_admin_ticket?
  # note that serverAdministrationFlag comes from the server as an Integer (0, or 1)
  self['serverAdministrationFlag'] != 0
service() click to toggle source

Override of service from ModelBase. Returns the SoftLayer_Ticket service set up to talk to the ticket with my ID.

# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 56
def service
  return softlayer_client[:Ticket].object_with_id(
softlayer_properties(object_mask = nil) click to toggle source

Override from model base. Requests new details about the ticket from the server.

# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 63
def softlayer_properties(object_mask = nil)
  my_service = self.service

    my_service = service.object_mask(object_mask)
    my_service = service.object_mask(self.class.default_object_mask.to_sl_object_mask)

update(body = nil) click to toggle source

Add an update to this ticket.

# File lib/softlayer/Ticket.rb, line 49
def update(body = nil)
  self.service.edit(self.softlayer_hash, body)