class SoftLayer::BareMetalServerOrder

This class allows you to order a Bare Metal Server by providing a simple set of attributes for the newly created server. The SoftLayer system will select a server that matches the attributes provided and provision it or will report an error.

If you wish to have more exacting control over the set of options that go into configuring the server, please see the BareMetalServerOrder_Package class.

This class creates the server with the SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject method.

Reading that documentation may help you understand the options presented here.



Integer, The number of cpu cores to include in the instance Corresponds to processorCoreAmount in the documentation for createObject


An instance of SoftLayer::Datacenter. The server will be provisioned in this data center


Array of Integer, Sizes (in gigabytes… so use 25 to get a 25GB disk) of disks to attach to this server This roughly Corresponds to hardDrives field in the createObject documentation.


String, The domain (i.e. for the new server


String, The hostname to assign to the new server


Boolean, If true, an hourly server will be ordered, otherwise a monthly server will be ordered Corresponds to hourlyBillingFlag in the createObject documentation


Integer (Should be 10, 100, or 1000), The maximum network interface card speed (in Mbps) for the new instance Corresponds to networkComponents.maxSpeed in the createObject documentation


Integer, The amount of RAM for the new server (specified in Gigabytes so a value of 4 is 4GB) Corresponds to memoryCapacity in the documentation for createObject


String, An OS reference code for the operating system to install on the server Corresponds to operatingSystemReferenceCode in the createObject documentation


Boolean, If true then the server will only have a private network interface (and no public network interface) Corresponds to privateNetworkOnlyFlag in the createObject documentation


Integer, The id of the private VLAN this server should join Corresponds to in the createObject documentation


Object responding to to_s and providing a valid URI, The URI of a post provisioning script to run on this server once it is created. Corresponds to postInstallScriptUri in the createObject documentation

DEPRECATION WARNING: This attribute is deprecated in favor of #provision_script_uri and will be removed in the next major release.


Object responding to to_s and providing a valid URI, The URI of a post provisioning script to run on this server once it is created. Corresponds to postInstallScriptUri in the createObject documentation


Integer, The id of the public VLAN this server should join Corresponds to in the createObject documentation


Array of Strings, SSH keys to add to the root user's account. Corresponds to sshKeys in the createObject documentation


String, User metadata associated with the instance Corresponds to userData.value in the createObject documentation

Public Class Methods

new(client = nil) click to toggle source

Create a new order that works through the given client connection

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 105
def initialize (client = nil)
  @softlayer_client = client || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !@softlayer_client

Protected Class Methods

core_options(client = nil) click to toggle source
# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 196
def self.core_options(client = nil)
  create_object_options(client)['processors'].collect { |processor_spec| processor_spec['template']['processorCoreAmount'] }.uniq.sort!
create_object_options(client = nil) click to toggle source

The first time this is called it requests SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions from the API and remembers the result. On subsequent calls it returns the remembered result.

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 181
def self.create_object_options(client = nil)
  softlayer_client = client || Client.default_client
  raise "#{__method__} requires a client but none was given and Client::default_client is not set" if !softlayer_client

  @@create_object_options ||= nil
  @@create_object_options = softlayer_client[:Hardware].getCreateObjectOptions() if !@@create_object_options
datacenter_options(client = nil) click to toggle source

Return a list of values that are valid for the :datacenter attribute

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 192
def self.datacenter_options(client = nil)
  create_object_options(client)['datacenters'].collect { |datacenter_spec| Datacenter.datacenter_named(datacenter_spec['template']['datacenter']['name'], client) }.uniq
disk_options(client = nil) click to toggle source

Return a list of values that are valid the array given to the :disks

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 202
def self.disk_options(client = nil)
  create_object_options(client)['hardDrives'].collect { |disk_spec| disk_spec['template']['hardDrives'][0]['capacity'].to_i}.uniq.sort!
max_port_speed_options(client = nil) click to toggle source

Returns a list of the :max_port_speeds

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 214
def self.max_port_speed_options(client = nil)
  create_object_options(client)['networkComponents'].collect { |component_spec| component_spec['template']['networkComponents'][0]['maxSpeed'] }
os_reference_code_options(client = nil) click to toggle source

Returns a list of the valid :os_reference_codes

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 208
def self.os_reference_code_options(client = nil)
  create_object_options(client)['operatingSystems'].collect { |os_spec| os_spec['template']['operatingSystemReferenceCode'] }.uniq.sort!

Public Instance Methods

place_order!() { |order_template| ... } click to toggle source

Calls the SoftLayer API to place an order for a new server based on the template in this order. If this succeeds then you will be billed for the new server.

If you provide a block, it will receive the order template as a parameter and the block may make changes to the template before it is submitted.

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 131
def place_order!()
  order_template = hardware_instance_template
  order_template = yield order_template if block_given?

  server_hash = @softlayer_client[:Hardware].createObject(order_template)
  return server_hash
verify() { |order_template| ... } click to toggle source

Calls the SoftLayer API to verify that the template provided by this order is valid This routine will return the order template generated by the API or will throw an exception

This routine will not actually create a Bare Metal Instance and will not affect billing.

If you provide a block, it will receive the order template as a parameter and the block may make changes to the template before it is submitted.

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 118
def verify()
  order_template = hardware_instance_template
  order_template = yield order_template if block_given?


Protected Instance Methods

hardware_instance_template() click to toggle source

Returns a hash of the creation options formatted to be sent to the SoftLayer API for either verification or completion

# File lib/softlayer/BareMetalServerOrder.rb, line 144
def hardware_instance_template
  template = {
    "processorCoreAmount" => @cores.to_i,
    "memoryCapacity" => @memory.to_i,
    "hostname" => @hostname,
    "domain" => @domain,
    "operatingSystemReferenceCode" => @os_reference_code,

    # Note : for the values below, we want to use the constants "true" and "false" not nil
    # the nil value (while false to Ruby) will not translate to XML properly
    "localDiskFlag" => !!@use_local_disk,
    "hourlyBillingFlag" => !!@hourly

  template['privateNetworkOnlyFlag'] = true if @private_network_only

  template['datacenter']                     = {"name" =>}     if @datacenter
  template['userData']                       = [{'value' => @user_metadata}]    if @user_metadata
  template['networkComponents']              = [{'maxSpeed'=> @max_port_speed}] if @max_port_speed
  template['postInstallScriptUri']           = @provision_script_URI.to_s       if @provision_script_URI
  template['postInstallScriptUri']           = @provision_script_uri.to_s       if @provision_script_uri
  template['primaryNetworkComponent']        = { "networkVlan" => { "id" => @public_vlan_id.to_i } } if @public_vlan_id
  template['primaryBackendNetworkComponent'] = { "networkVlan" => {"id" => @private_vlan_id.to_i } } if @private_vlan_id
  template['sshKeys']                        = @ssh_key_ids.collect { |ssh_key| {'id'=> ssh_key.to_i } } if @ssh_key_ids

  if @disks && !@disks.empty?
    template['hardDrives'] = @disks.collect do |disk|
      {"capacity" => disk.to_i}
