

Retrieve a graph of a server’s private network usage.


Retrieve a graph of a server’s private network bandwidth usage over the specified time frame. If no time frame is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image


Name Type Description
startTime string The starting point to retrieve bandwidth data from, specified as a dateTime.
endTime string The end point to retrieve bandwidth data to, specified as a dateTime.

Required Headers

Optional Headers

  • None

Return Values

  • base64Binary

Error Handling

  • Throw the exception “Unable to retrieve the public bandwidth graph for server {id}.” if the API is unable to retrieve a valid PNG bandwidth graph image.
  • Throw the exception “The start time {startTime} is not a readable date format.” if an invalid start time is passed to getPublicBandwidthGraphImage.
  • Throw the exception “The end time {endTime} is not a readable date format.” if an invalid end time is passed to getPublicBandwidthGraphImage.
curl -g -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [string, string]}' \