

Retrieve a graph of a server’s public network usage.


Retrieve a graph of a server’s public network bandwidth usage over the specified time frame. If no time frame is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels. THIS METHOD GENERATES GRAPHS BASED ON THE NEW DATA WAREHOUSE REPOSITORY.


Name Type Description
startTime dateTime The starting point to retrieve bandwidth data from, specified as a dateTime.
endTime dateTime The end point to retrieve bandwidth data to, specified as a dateTime.

Required Headers

Optional Headers

  • None

Return Values

  • base64Binary

Error Handling

  • Throw the exception “Unable to retrieve the public bandwidth graph for server {id}.” if the API is unable to retrieve a valid PNG bandwidth graph image.
  • Throw the exception “The start time {startTime} is not a readable date format.” if an invalid start time is passed to getPublicBandwidthGraphImage.
  • Throw the exception “The end time {endTime} is not a readable date format.” if an invalid end time is passed to getPublicBandwidthGraphImage.
curl -g -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [dateTime, dateTime]}' \