Items with tag softlayer_virtual_guest


    • Transient Guests
      Examples on how to create Transient guests, and working with web hooks.








    • activatePrivatePort
      Activate the private network port
    • activatePublicPort
      Activate the public network port
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • attachDiskImage
      Creates a transaction to attach a guest's disk image. If the disk image is already attached it will be ignored. WARNING: SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::checkHostDiskAvailability should be called before this method. If the SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::checkHostDiskAvailability method is not called before this method, the guest migration will happen automatically.
    • cancelIsolationForDestructiveAction
      Reopens the public and/or private ports to reverse the changes made when the server was isolated for a destructive action.
    • captureImage
      Captures a Flex Image of the hard disk on the virtual machine, based on the capture template parameter. Returns the image template group containing the disk image.
    • checkHostDiskAvailability
      Checks the associated host for available disk space to determine if guest migration is necessary. This method is only used with local disks. If this method returns false, calling attachDiskImage($imageId) will automatically migrate the destination guest to a new host before attaching the portable volume.
    • configureMetadataDisk
      Creates a transaction to configure the guest's metadata disk. If the guest has user data associated with it, the transaction will create a small virtual drive and write the metadata to a file on the drive; if the drive already exists, the metadata will be rewritten. If the guest has no user data associated with it, the transaction will remove the virtual drive if it exists. WARNING: The transaction created by this service will shut down the guest while the metadata disk is configured. The guest will be turned back on once this process is complete.
    • createArchiveTemplate
      Create a transaction to archive a computing instance's block devices
    • createArchiveTransaction
      Create a transaction to archive a computing instance's block devices
    • createObject
      createObject() enables the creation of computing instances on an account. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a computing instance, a template object must be sent in with a few required values. When this method returns an order will have been placed for a computing instance of the specified configuration. To determine when the instance is available you can poll the instance via [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getObject), with an object mask requesting the `provisionDate` relational property. When `provisionDate` is not `null`, the instance will be ready. > **Warning:** Computing instances created via this method will incur charges on your account. For testing input parameters see [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/generateOrderTemplate). ### Required Input [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) - `Hostname` String **Required** + Hostname for the computing instance. - `Domain` String **Required** + Domain for the computing instance. - `startCpus` Integer **Required** + The number of CPU cores to allocate. + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. - `maxMemory` Integer **Required** + The amount of memory to allocate in megabytes. + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. - `` *String* **Required** + Specifies which datacenter the instance is to be provisioned in. Needs to be a nested object. + Example: `'datacenter': {'name': 'dal05'}` + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. - `hourlyBillingFlag` Boolean **Required** + Specifies the billing type for the instance. + True for hourly billing, False for monthly billing. - `localDiskFlag` Boolean **Required** + Specifies the disk type for the instance. + True for local to the instance disks, False for SAN disks. - `dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag` Boolean + When true this flag specifies that a compute instance is to run on hosts that only have guests from the same account. + Default: False - `operatingSystemReferenceCode` String **Conditionally required** + An identifier for the operating system to provision the computing instance with. + Not required when using a `blockDeviceTemplateGroup.globalIdentifier`, as the template will have its own operating system. + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. + **Notice**: Some operating systems are billed based on the number of CPUs the guest has. The price which is used can be determined by calling [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/generateOrderTemplate) with your desired device specifications. - `blockDeviceTemplateGroup.globalIdentifier` String + The GUID for the template to be used to provision the computing instance. + Conflicts with `operatingSystemReferenceCode` + **Notice**: Some operating systems are billed based on the number of CPUs the guest has. The price which is used can be determined by calling [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/generateOrderTemplate) with your desired device specifications. + A list of public images may be obtained via a request to [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group::getPublicImages](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group/getPublicImages) + A list of private images may be obtained via a request to [SoftLayer_Account::getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups) + Example: `'blockDeviceTemplateGroup': { globalIdentifier': '07beadaa-1e11-476e-a188-3f7795feb9fb'` - `networkComponents.maxSpeed` Integer + Specifies the connection speed for the instance's network components. + The `networkComponents` property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure. The `maxSpeed` property must be set to specify the network uplink speed, in megabits per second, of the computing instance. + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. + Default: 10 + Example: `'networkComponents': [{'maxSpeed': 1000}]` - `privateNetworkOnlyFlag` Boolean + When true this flag specifies that a compute instance is to only have access to the private network. + Default: False - `` Integer + Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the computing instance. + The `primaryNetworkComponent` property is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure with the `networkVlan` property populated with a i [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The `id` property must be set to specify the frontend network vlan of the computing instance. + *NOTE* This is the VLAN `id`, NOT the vlan number. + Example: `'primaryNetworkComponent':{'networkVlan': {'id': 1234567}}` - `` Integer + Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the computing instance. + The `backendNetworkComponent` property is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure with the `networkVlan` property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The `id` property must be set to specify the backend network vlan of the computing instance. + *NOTE* This is the VLAN `id`, NOT the vlan number. + Example: `'backendNetworkComponent':{'networkVlan': {'id': 1234567}}` - `primaryNetworkComponent.securityGroupBindings` [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding)[] + Specifies the security groups to be attached to this VSI's frontend network adapter + The `primaryNetworkComponent` property is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure with the `securityGroupBindings` property populated with an array of [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding) structures. The `securityGroup` property in each must be set to specify the security group to be attached to the primary frontend network component. + Example: ``` 'primaryNetworkComponent': { 'securityGroupBindings': [ {'securityGroup':{'id': 5555555}}, {'securityGroup':{'id': 1112223}}, ] } ``` - `primaryBackendNetworkComponent.securityGroupBindings` [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding)[] + Specifies the security groups to be attached to this VSI's backend network adapter + The `primaryNetworkComponent` property is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure with the `securityGroupBindings` property populated with an array of [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding) structures. The `securityGroup` property in each must be set to specify the security group to be attached to the primary frontend network component. + Example: ``` 'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': { 'securityGroupBindings': [ {'securityGroup':{'id': 33322211}}, {'securityGroup':{'id': 77777222}}, ] } ``` - `blockDevices` [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device)[] + Block device and disk image settings for the computing instance + The `blockDevices` property is an array of [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device) structures. Each block device must specify the `device` property along with the `diskImage` property, which is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image) structure with the `capacity` property set. The `device` number `'1'` is reserved for the SWAP disk attached to the computing instance. + Default: The smallest available capacity for the primary disk will be used. If an image template is specified the disk capacity will be be provided by the template. + Example: ``` 'blockDevices':[{'device': '0', 'diskImage': {'capacity': 100}}], 'localDiskFlag': true ``` + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. - `userData.value` String + Arbitrary data to be made available to the computing instance. + The `userData` property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Attribute) structure with the `value` property set to an arbitrary value. This value can be retrieved via the [SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata::getUserMetadata](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata/getUserMetadata) method from a request originating from the computing instance. This is primarily useful for providing data to software that may be on the instance and configured to execute upon first boot. + Example: `'userData':[{'value': 'testData'}]` - `sshKeys` [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key)[] + The `sshKeys` property is an array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) structures with the `id` property set to the value of an existing SSH key. + To create a new SSH key, call [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key/createObject). + To obtain a list of existing SSH keys, call [SoftLayer_Account::getSshKeys](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSshKeys) + Example: `'sshKeys':[{'id': 1234567}]` - `postInstallScriptUri` String + Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after installation is complete. Only scripts from HTTPS servers are executed on startup. REST Example: ``` curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'startCpus': 1, 'maxMemory': 1024, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'localDiskFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } }' HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: { 'accountId': 232298, 'createDate': '2012-11-30T16:28:17-06:00', 'dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag': false, 'domain': '', 'hostname': 'host1', 'id': 1301396, 'lastPowerStateId': null, 'lastVerifiedDate': null, 'maxCpu': 1, 'maxCpuUnits': 'CORE', 'maxMemory': 1024, 'metricPollDate': null, 'modifyDate': null, 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag': false, 'startCpus': 1, 'statusId': 1001, 'globalIdentifier': '2d203774-0ee1-49f5-9599-6ef67358dd31' } ```
    • createObjects
      createObjects() enables the creation of multiple computing instances on an account in a single call. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a computing instance a set of template objects must be sent in with a few required values. <b>Warning:</b> Computing instances created via this method will incur charges on your account. See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of each template object. <h1>Example</h1> <http title='Request'>curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ [ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'startCpus': 1, 'maxMemory': 1024, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'localDiskFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' }, { 'hostname': 'host2', 'domain': '', 'startCpus': 1, 'maxMemory': 1024, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'localDiskFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } ] ] }' </http> <http title='Response'>HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { 'accountId': 232298, 'createDate': '2012-11-30T23:56:48-06:00', 'dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag': false, 'domain': '', 'hostname': 'ubuntu1', 'id': 1301456, 'lastPowerStateId': null, 'lastVerifiedDate': null, 'maxCpu': 1, 'maxCpuUnits': 'CORE', 'maxMemory': 1024, 'metricPollDate': null, 'modifyDate': null, 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag': false, 'startCpus': 1, 'statusId': 1001, 'globalIdentifier': 'fed4c822-48c0-45d0-85e2-90476aa0c542' }, { 'accountId': 232298, 'createDate': '2012-11-30T23:56:49-06:00', 'dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag': false, 'domain': '', 'hostname': 'ubuntu2', 'id': 1301457, 'lastPowerStateId': null, 'lastVerifiedDate': null, 'maxCpu': 1, 'maxCpuUnits': 'CORE', 'maxMemory': 1024, 'metricPollDate': null, 'modifyDate': null, 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag': false, 'startCpus': 1, 'statusId': 1001, 'globalIdentifier': 'bed4c686-9562-4ade-9049-dc4d5b6b200c' } ] </http>
    • createPostSoftwareInstallTransaction
    • deleteObject
      This method will cancel a computing instance effective immediately. For instances billed hourly, the charges will stop immediately after the method returns.
    • deleteTag
      Delete a tag
    • deleteTransientWebhook
    • detachDiskImage
      Creates a transaction to detach a guest's disk image. If the disk image is already detached it will be ignored. WARNING: The transaction created by this service will shut down the guest while the disk image is attached. The guest will be turned back on once this process is complete.
    • editObject
      Edit a computing instance's properties
    • executeIderaBareMetalRestore
      Reboot a guest into the Idera Bare Metal Restore image.
    • executeR1SoftBareMetalRestore
      Reboot a guest into the R1Soft Bare Metal Restore image.
    • executeRemoteScript
      Download and run remote script from uri on virtual guests.
    • executeRescueLayer
      Reboot a Linux guest into the Xen rescue image.
    • findByHostname
      Find VSIs by hostname.
    • findByIpAddress
      Find CCI by only its primary public or private IP address. IP addresses within secondary subnets tied to the CCI will not return the CCI. If no CCI is found, no errors are generated and no data is returned.
    • generateOrderTemplate
      Obtain an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest) that can be sent to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) or [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder). This is primarily useful when there is a necessity to confirm the price which will be charged for an order. See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of the template object parameter.
    • getAccount
      The account that a virtual guest belongs to.
    • getAccountOwnedPoolFlag
    • getActiveNetworkMonitorIncident
      A virtual guest's currently active network monitoring incidents.
    • getActiveTickets
    • getActiveTransaction
      A transaction that is still be performed on a cloud server.
    • getActiveTransactions
      Any active transaction(s) that are currently running for the server (example: os reload).
    • getAdditionalRequiredPricesForOsReload
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects for an OS reload
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this Virtual Guest to Network Storage volumes that require access control lists.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest has access to.
    • getAntivirusSpywareSoftwareComponent
      A antivirus / spyware software component object.
    • getApplicationDeliveryController
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.
    • getAttributes
    • getAvailableBlockDevicePositions
    • getAvailableMonitoring
      An object that stores the maximum level for the monitoring query types and response types.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.
    • getAverageDailyPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The average daily private bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getBackendNetworkComponents
      A guests's backend network components.
    • getBackendRouters
      A guest's backend or private router.
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A computing instance's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllotmentDetail
      A computing instance's allotted detail record. Allotment details link bandwidth allocation with allotments.
    • getBandwidthDataByDate
      Use this method when needing the metric data for bandwidth for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters based on the date ranges
    • getBandwidthForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthImage
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified.
    • getBandwidthImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getBandwidthTotal
      Returns the total amount of bandwidth used during the time specified for a computing instance.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      The raw bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle. One object will be returned for each network this server is attached to.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      The raw private bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      The raw public bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a CloudLayer Compute Instance.
    • getBlockCancelBecauseDisconnectedFlag
      Determines whether the instance is ineligible for cancellation because it is disconnected.
    • getBlockDevices
      A computing instance's block devices. Block devices link [SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image) to computing instances.
    • getBlockDeviceTemplateGroup
      The global identifier for the image template that was used to provision or reload a guest.
    • getBootMode
      Retrieves the boot mode of the VSI.
    • getBootOrder
    • getBrowserConsoleAccessLogs
      A virtual guest's browser access logs.
    • getConsoleAccessLog
      Gets the console access logs for a computing instance
    • getConsoleData
      A container for a guest's console data
    • getConsoleIpAddressFlag
      A flag indicating a computing instance's console IP address is assigned.
    • getConsoleIpAddressRecord
      A record containing information about a computing instance's console IP and port number.
    • getContinuousDataProtectionSoftwareComponent
      A continuous data protection software component object.
    • getControlPanel
      A guest's control panel.
    • getCoreRestrictedOperatingSystemPrice
      If the virtual server currently has an operating system that has a core capacity restriction, return the associated core-restricted operating system item price. Some operating systems (e.g., Red Hat Enterprise Linux) may be billed by the number of processor cores, so therefore require that a certain number of cores be present on the server.
    • getCpuMetricDataByDate
      Use this method when needing the metric data for a single guest's CPUs. It will gather the correct input parameters based on the date ranges
    • getCpuMetricImage
      Use this method when needing a cpu usage image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified.
    • getCpuMetricImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a CPU usage image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getCreateObjectOptions
      There are many options that may be provided while ordering a computing instance, this method can be used to determine what these options are. Detailed information on the return value can be found on the data type page for [SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration).
    • getCurrentBandwidthSummary
      An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBillingDetail
      Get the billing detail for this instance for the current billing period. This does not include bandwidth usage.
    • getCurrentBillingTotal
      Get the total bill amount in US Dollars ($) for this instance in the current billing period. This includes all bandwidth used up to the point this method is called on the instance.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that a virtual guest resides in.
    • getDedicatedHost
      The dedicated host associated with this guest.
    • getDeviceStatus
      The device status of this virtual guest.
    • getDriveRetentionItemPrice
      Return a drive retention SoftLayer_Item_Price object for a guest.
    • getEvaultNetworkStorage
      A guest's associated EVault network storage service account.
    • getFirewallProtectableSubnets
      Get the subnets associated with this CloudLayer computing instance that are protectable by a network component firewall.
    • getFirewallServiceComponent
      A computing instance's hardware firewall services.
    • getFirstAvailableBlockDevicePosition
    • getFrontendNetworkComponents
      A guest's frontend network components.
    • getFrontendRouters
      A guest's frontend or public router.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      A guest's universally unique identifier.
    • getGpuCount
      The number of GPUs attached to the guest.
    • getGpuType
      The name of the GPU type attached to the guest.
    • getGuestBootParameter
    • getHardwareFunctionDescription
      The object's function.
    • getHost
      The virtual host on which a virtual guest resides (available only on private clouds).
    • getHostIpsSoftwareComponent
      A host IPS software component object.
    • getHourlyBillingFlag
      A guest's hourly billing status.
    • getInboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private inbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getInternalTagReferences
    • getIsoBootImage
    • getItemPricesFromSoftwareDescriptions
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description
    • getLastKnownPowerState
      The last known power state of a virtual guest in the event the guest is turned off outside of IMS or has gone offline.
    • getLastOperatingSystemReload
      The last transaction that a cloud server's operating system was loaded.
    • getLastTransaction
      The last transaction a cloud server had performed.
    • getLatestNetworkMonitorIncident
      A virtual guest's latest network monitoring incident.
    • getLocalDiskFlag
      A flag indicating that the virtual guest has at least one disk which is local to the host it runs on. This does not include a SWAP device.
    • getLocation
      Where guest is located within SoftLayer's location hierarchy.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the virtual guest is a managed resource.
    • getMemoryMetricDataByDate
      Use this method when needing the metric data for memory for a single computing instance.
    • getMemoryMetricImage
      Use this method when needing a memory usage image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified.
    • getMemoryMetricImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a image displaying the amount of memory used over time for a single computing instance. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A guest's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object id for this guest.
    • getMonitoringRobot
    • getMonitoringServiceComponent
      A virtual guest's network monitoring services.
    • getMonitoringServiceEligibilityFlag
    • getMonitoringUserNotification
      The monitoring notification objects for this guest. Each object links this guest instance to a user account that will be notified if monitoring on this guest object fails
    • getNetworkComponentFirewallProtectableIpAddresses
      Get the IP addresses associated with this CloudLayer computing instance that are protectable by a network component firewall. Note, this may not return all values for IPv6 subnets for this CloudLayer computing instance. Please use getFirewallProtectableSubnets to get all protectable subnets.
    • getNetworkComponents
      A guests's network components.
    • getNetworkMonitorIncidents
      All of a virtual guest's network monitoring incidents.
    • getNetworkMonitors
      A guests's network monitors.
    • getNetworkStorage
      A guest's associated network storage accounts.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network Vlans that a guest's network components are associated with.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest record.
    • getOpenCancellationTicket
      An open ticket requesting cancellation of this server, if one exists.
    • getOperatingSystem
      A guest's operating system.
    • getOperatingSystemReferenceCode
      A guest's operating system software description.
    • getOrderedPackageId
      The original package id provided with the order for a Cloud Computing Instance.
    • getOrderTemplate
      Obtain an order container that is ready to be sent to the [[SoftLayer_Product_Order#placeOrder|SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder]] method. This container will include all services that the selected computing instance has. If desired you may remove prices which were returned.
    • getOutboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this computing instance for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
    • getPendingMaintenanceActions
      Returns a list of all the pending maintenance actions affecting this guest.
    • getPendingMigrationFlag
      When true this virtual guest must be migrated using SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::migrate.
    • getPlacementGroup
      The placement group that a virtual guest belongs to.
    • getPowerState
      The current power state of a virtual guest.
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      A guest's primary private IP address.
    • getPrimaryBackendNetworkComponent
      A guest's primary backend network component.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The guest's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryNetworkComponent
      A guest's primary public network component.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the computing instance only has access to the private network.
    • getProjectedOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this computing instance for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getProvisionDate
    • getRecentEvents
      Recent events that impact this computing instance.
    • getRecentMetricData
      Recent metric data for a guest
    • getRegionalGroup
      The regional group this guest is in.
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
    • getReservedCapacityGroup
      The reserved capacity group the guest is associated with.
    • getReservedCapacityGroupFlag
      Flag to indicate whether or not a guest is part of a reserved capacity group.
    • getReservedCapacityGroupInstance
      The reserved capacity group instance the guest is associated with.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      Retrieve the reverse domain records associated with this server.
    • getSecurityScanRequests
      A guest's vulnerability scan requests.
    • getServerRoom
      The server room that a guest is located at. There may be more than one server room for every data center.
    • getSoftwareComponents
      A guest's installed software.
    • getSshKeys
      SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
    • getStatus
      A computing instance's status.
    • getTagReferences
    • getTransientGuestFlag
      Whether or not a computing instance is a Transient Instance.
    • getTransientWebhookURI
      The endpoint used to notify customers their transient guest is terminating.
    • getType
      The type of this virtual guest.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieves a list of all upgrades available to a virtual server. Upgradeable items include, but are not limited to, number of cores, amount of RAM, storage configuration, and network port speed. This method exclude downgrade item prices by default. You can set the 'includeDowngradeItemPrices' parameter to true so that it can include downgrade item prices.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      A computing instance's associated upgrade request object if any.
    • getUserData
      A base64 encoded string containing custom user data for a Cloud Computing Instance order.
    • getUsers
      A list of users that have access to this computing instance.
    • getValidBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      This method will return the list of block device template groups that are valid to the host. For instance, it will validate that the template groups returned are compatible with the size and number of disks on the host.
    • getVirtualRack
      The name of the bandwidth allotment that a hardware belongs too.
    • getVirtualRackId
      The id of the bandwidth allotment that a computing instance belongs too.
    • getVirtualRackName
      The name of the bandwidth allotment that a computing instance belongs too.
    • isBackendPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isCloudInit
      Determines if the virtual guest was provisioned from a cloud-init enabled image.
    • isolateInstanceForDestructiveAction
      Closes the public or private ports to isolate the instance before a destructive action.
    • isPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • migrate
      Creates a transaction to migrate a virtual guest to a new host. NOTE: Will only migrate if SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest property pendingMigrationFlag = true
    • migrateDedicatedHost
      Create a transaction to migrate an instance from one dedicated host to another dedicated host
    • mountIsoImage
    • pause
      Pause a virtual guest. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
    • powerCycle
      Power cycle a virtual guest
    • powerOff
      Power off a virtual guest
    • powerOffSoft
      Power off a virtual guest
    • powerOn
      Power on a virtual guest
    • rebootDefault
      Power cycle a virtual guest
    • rebootHard
      Power cycle a guest.
    • rebootSoft
      Attempt to complete a soft reboot of a guest by shutting down the operating system.
    • reconfigureConsole
    • reloadCurrentOperatingSystemConfiguration
      Create a transaction to perform an OS reload
    • reloadOperatingSystem
      Reloads current operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the computing instance to the current specifications on record. If reloading from an image template, we recommend first getting the list of valid private block device template groups, by calling the getOperatingSystemReloadImages method.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to remove access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • removeTags
      Remove a tag reference
    • resume
      Resume a virtual guest, this can only be called when a VSI is in Suspended state.
    • sendTestReclaimScheduledAlert
    • setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Sets the private network interface speed to the new speed. Speed values can only be 0 (Disconnect), 10, 100, or 1000. The new speed must be equal to or less than the max speed of the interface. It will take less than a minute to update the port speed.
    • setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Sets the public network interface speed to the new speed. Speed values can only be 0 (Disconnect), 10, 100, or 1000. The new speed must be equal to or less than the max speed of the interface. It will take less than a minute to update the port speed.
    • setTags
    • setTransientWebhook
    • setUserMetadata
      Sets the data that will be written to the configuration drive.
    • shutdownPrivatePort
      Shuts down the private network port
    • shutdownPublicPort
      Shuts down the public network port
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest
      The virtual guest data type presents the structure in which all virtual guests will be presented. Internally, the structure supports various virtualization platforms with no change to external interaction. A guest, also known as a virtual server, represents an allocation of resources on a virtual host.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest
      The virtual guest service provides a common interface to any virtualization platform supported by SoftLayer. The interaction with various third party APIs is not needed when implementing this service to administer your guests. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest service also controls individual CloudLayer Computing Instances purchased from SoftLayer in a way that is analogous to the [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server) service's control over physical hardware purchased form SoftLayer.
    • unmountIsoImage
    • validateImageTemplate
      Validate an image template for OS Reload
    • verifyReloadOperatingSystem
      Verify that a virtual server can go through the operating system reload process. It may be useful to call this method before attempting to actually reload the operating system just to verify that the reload will go smoothly. If the server configuration is not setup correctly or there is some other issue, an exception will be thrown indicating the error. If there were no issues, this will just return true.

