Items with tag softlayer_network_gateway





    • bypassAllVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to bypass all VLANs. Any VLANs that are already bypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • bypassVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to bypass the provided VLANs. The VLANs must already be attached. Any VLANs that are already bypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • forceRebuildCluster
      Purpose is to rebuild the target Gateway cluster with the specified OS price id. Method will remove the current OS and apply the default configuration settings. This will result in an extended OUTAGE!! Any custom configuration settings must be re-applied after the forced rebuild is completed. This is a DESTRUCTIVE action, use with caution.
    • getAccount
      The account for this gateway.
    • getAllowedOsPriceIds
      Used to get a list of OS prices (ids) which are allowed for the Gateway.
    • getCapacity
      Returns the Gbps capacity of the gateway object
    • getInsideVlans
      All VLANs trunked to this gateway.
    • getManufacturer
      Returns manufacturer name for a given gateway object.
    • getMemberGatewayImagesMatch
      Returns true if no mismatch is found, gateway is not Juniper vSRX or SA gateway
    • getMembers
      The members for this gateway.
    • getNetworkFirewall
      The firewall associated with this gateway, if any.
    • getNetworkFirewallFlag
      Whether or not there is a firewall associated with this gateway.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway record.
    • getPossibleInsideVlans
      Get all VLANs that can become inside VLANs on this gateway. This means the VLAN must not already be an inside VLAN, on the same router as this gateway, not a gateway transit VLAN, and not firewalled.
    • getPrivateIpAddress
      The private gateway IP address.
    • getPrivateVlan
      The private VLAN for accessing this gateway.
    • getPublicIpAddress
      The public gateway IP address.
    • getPublicIpv6Address
      The public gateway IPv6 address.
    • getPublicVlan
      The public VLAN for accessing this gateway.
    • getRollbackSupport
      Returns the following statuses SUPPORTED - rollback is supported and perform automatically UNSUPPORTED - rollback is not supported MANUAL - rollback can be performed but
    • getStatus
      The current status of the gateway.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradable items available for network gateways.
    • isLicenseServerAllowed
    • manageLicenses
      Used to manage gateway require and add on licenses. If license request is valid for the gateway type a Gateway License Manage process will be created if licenses need to be adjusted on the gateway. requiredItemKeyname - Item Key Name of the required license to be used on the gateway addOnLicenses - Json string containing an Add On license Item Key Name and requested total quantity to exist on each gateway member. Item Key Name must be associated with an Add On license product item and Item Key Name can only exist once in the json structure. Example : {'ADD_ON_ITEM_KEYNAME_TYPE1':3,'ADD_ON_ITEM_KEYNAME_TYPE2':4} Note, the quantity is not the requested change but total licences. For example, if current licenses for an Add On e.g. Remote VPN is 3 and the request is to add 1 more license then the quantity would be 4. If the request was to remove 1 license then the quantity would be 2.
    • rebuildHACluster
      Rebuild a virtual gateway with HA cluster by destroying existing member gateway os and installing new os on both gateway members, then creating HA cluster between 2 members. This is a destructive process which will remove existing configuration and stop all gateway capabilities. vSRX will need to be re-configured after this operation.
    • rebuildvSRXHACluster
      Rebuild a vSRX gateway with HA cluster by destroying existing vSRX and installing new vSRX on both gateway servers, then creating HA cluster between 2 vSRX. This is a destructive process which will remove existing vSRX configuration and stop all gateway capabilities. vSRX will need to be re-configured after this operation.
    • refreshGatewayLicense
      Used to refresh the all licenses (Required and add ons) for Virtual gateways. License precheck must be ready.
    • rename
      Edit the name of this gateway.
    • setGatewayPassword
      Returns true if password change is successful, false if not successful
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway
      A network gateway is a set of members which have a configurable set of VLANs trunked through them. This is helpful for creating proxies. Each network gateway can have a configurable set of hardware and VLANs within the same pod routed to it. Gateways can be bypassed or unbypassed either as a whole or for specific VLANs. They are also provided gateway VLANs for management that are never bypassed. Members cannot be simply removed once attached to a gateway, they must be reclaimed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway
      A network gateway is a set of members which have a configurable set of VLANs trunked through them. This is helpful for creating proxies. Each network gateway can have a configurable set of hardware and VLANs within the same pod routed to it. Gateways can be bypassed or unbypassed either as a whole or for specific VLANs. They are also provided gateway VLANs for management that are never bypassed. Members cannot be simply removed once attached to a gateway, they must be reclaimed.
    • unbypassAllVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to unbypass all VLANs. Any VLANs that are already unbypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • unbypassVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to unbypass the provided VLANs. The VLANs must already be attached. Any VLANs that are already unbypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • updateGatewayUserPassword
      The method updates the Gateway password for the provided username. It does not perform any synchronization with the Gateway to update the credentials. The method only updates the IMS db with the username / password record for the Gateway. The 'username' and 'password' in the record template are required. 'username' must not be blank and must exist in the Gateway password records 'password' must not be blank Returns true if password change is successful, false if not successful
