Items with tag softlayer_network_bandwidth_version1_allotment


    • Bandwith Pools
      Adding and removing Virtual Guests and Bare Metal Servers in an exising Bandwidth Pool



    • createObject
      Create a allotment for servers to pool bandwidth and avoid overages in billing if they use more than there allocated bandwidth.
    • editObject
      Edit a bandwidth allotment's local properties. Currently you may only change an allotment's name. Use the [SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment::reassignServers](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and [SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment::unassignServers](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) methods to move servers in and out of your allotments.
    • getAccount
      The account associated with this virtual rack.
    • getActiveDetails
      The bandwidth allotment detail records associated with this virtual rack.
    • getApplicationDeliveryControllers
      The Application Delivery Controller contained within a virtual rack.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentType
      The bandwidth allotment type of this virtual rack.
    • getBandwidthForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthImage
      This method recurses through all servers on a Bandwidth Pool for a given snapshot range, gathers the necessary parameters, and then calls the bandwidth graphing server. The return result is a container that includes the min and max dates for all servers to be used in the query, as well as an image in PNG format. This method uses the new and improved drawing routines which should return in a reasonable time frame now that the new backend data warehouse is used.
    • getBareMetalInstances
      The bare metal server instances contained within a virtual rack.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle. One object is returned for each network this server is attached to.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw private network bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw public network bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicUsageTotal
      The total public bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingItem
      A virtual rack's billing item.
    • getCurrentBandwidthSummary
      An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • getDetails
      The bandwidth allotment detail records associated with this virtual rack.
    • getHardware
      The hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getLocationGroup
      The location group associated with this virtual rack.
    • getManagedBareMetalInstances
      The managed bare metal server instances contained within a virtual rack.
    • getManagedHardware
      The managed hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getManagedVirtualGuests
      The managed Virtual Server contained within a virtual rack.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A virtual rack's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this rack.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object id for this allotment.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Hardware service. You can only retrieve an allotment associated with the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this bandwidth pool for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyHardware
      The private network only hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getProjectedOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this bandwidth pool for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for this virtual server for the current billing cycle.
    • getServiceProvider
    • getTotalBandwidthAllocated
      The combined allocated bandwidth for all servers in a virtual rack.
    • getVdrMemberRecurringFee
      Gets the monthly recurring fee of a pooled server.
    • getVirtualGuests
      The Virtual Server contained within a virtual rack.
    • reassignServers
      This method will reassign a collection of SoftLayer hardware to a bandwidth allotment Bandwidth Pool.
    • requestVdrCancellation
      This will remove a bandwidth pooling from a customer's allotments by cancelling the billing item. All servers in that allotment will get moved to the account's vpr.
    • requestVdrContentUpdates
      This will move servers into a bandwidth pool, removing them from their previous bandwidth pool and optionally remove the bandwidth pool on completion.
    • setVdrContent
      This will update the bandwidth pool to the servers provided. Servers currently in the bandwidth pool not provided on update will be removed. Servers provided on update not currently in the bandwidth pool will be added. If all servers are removed, this removes the bandwidth pool on completion.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment class provides methods and data structures necessary to work with an array of hardware objects associated with a single Bandwidth Pooling.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment
      Every SoftLayer Bandwidth Pooling, Virtual Datacenter, Virtual Private Rack(VPR) is defined in the SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment service as an allotment. SoftLayer allotments are a collection of servers that share all of the servers allocated bandwidth together. Virtual Private Rack Each server is by default a part of your Virtual Private Rack. Bandwidth overages are billed individually per server for all hardware in your Virtual Private Rack. If any one server uses more bandwidth than it is allocated, an overage charge will result. Bandwidth Pooling Bandwidth Pooling allow you to optimize your bandwidth usage by 'pooling' all of the bandwidth together for servers in a Bandwidth Pooling. Bandwidth overages for servers in a Bandwidth Pooling are summed up as a whole and overages are calculated only if the total bandwidth of all servers exceeds the total allocated bandwidth for all servers. For example, if you had 5 servers, each with 2000 GB of bandwidth, and one server used 3000 GB of bandwidth while the other used only 1500 GB of bandwidth, you would not be billed for an overage because your total usage would be 9000 GB and your total allocated would be 10000 GB.
    • unassignServers
      This method will reassign a collection of SoftLayer hardware to the virtual private rack
    • voidPendingServerMove
      This method will void a pending server removal from this bandwidth pooling. Pass in the id of the hardware object or virtual guest you wish to update. Assuming that object is currently pending removal from the bandwidth pool at the start of the next billing cycle, the bandwidth pool member status will be restored and the pending cancellation removed.
    • voidPendingVdrCancellation
      This method will void a pending cancellation on a bandwidth pool. Note however any servers that belonged to the rack will have to be restored individually using the method voidPendingServerMove($id, $type).


    • Create a new Bandwidth Pool
      Creating a new Bandwidth pool. This allows you to optimize your bandwidth usage by _pooling_ all of the bandwidth together for servers in a the Pool.
