Items with tag softlayer_billing_order



    • Provision Times
      Generates a report of how long servers took to provision
    • Get bills by user
      Goes through the upcoming invoice, collects billing items by their user, and prints out the results along with a sum of costs


    • approveModifiedOrder
      When an order has been modified, the customer will need to approve the changes. This method will allow the customer to approve the changes.
    • getAccount
      The [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) to which an order belongs.
    • getAllObjects
      This will get all billing orders for your account.
    • getBrand
    • getCart
      A cart is similar to a quote, except that it can be continually modified by the customer and does not have locked-in prices. Not all orders will have a cart associated with them. See [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart) for more information.
    • getCoreRestrictedItems
      The [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item) that are core restricted
    • getCreditCardTransactions
      All credit card transactions associated with this order. If this order was not placed with a credit card, this will be empty.
    • getExchangeRate
    • getInitialInvoice
    • getItems
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order_items included in an order.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Order object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Billing_Order service. You can only retrieve orders that are assigned to your portal user's account.
    • getOrderApprovalDate
    • getOrderNonServerMonthlyAmount
      An order's non-server items total monthly fee.
    • getOrderServerMonthlyAmount
      An order's server items total monthly fee.
    • getOrderStatuses
      Get a list of [SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Order_Status](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Order_Status) objects.
    • getOrderTopLevelItems
      An order's top level items. This normally includes the server line item and any non-server additional services such as NAS or ISCSI.
    • getOrderTotalAmount
      This amount represents the order's initial charge including set up fee and taxes.
    • getOrderTotalOneTime
      An order's total one time amount summing all the set up fees, the labor fees and the one time fees. Taxes will be applied for non-tax-exempt. This amount represents the initial fees that will be charged.
    • getOrderTotalOneTimeAmount
      An order's total one time amount. This amount represents the initial fees before tax.
    • getOrderTotalOneTimeTaxAmount
      An order's total one time tax amount. This amount represents the tax that will be applied to the total charge, if the SoftLayer_Account tied to a SoftLayer_Billing_Order is a taxable account.
    • getOrderTotalRecurring
      An order's total recurring amount. Taxes will be applied for non-tax-exempt. This amount represents the fees that will be charged on a recurring (usually monthly) basis.
    • getOrderTotalRecurringAmount
      An order's total recurring amount. This amount represents the fees that will be charged on a recurring (usually monthly) basis.
    • getOrderTotalRecurringTaxAmount
      The total tax amount of the recurring fees, if the SoftLayer_Account tied to a SoftLayer_Billing_Order is a taxable account.
    • getOrderTotalSetupAmount
      An order's total setup fee.
    • getOrderType
      The type of an order. This lets you know where this order was generated from.
    • getPaypalTransactions
      All PayPal transactions associated with this order. If this order was not placed with PayPal, this will be empty.
    • getPdf
      Retrieve a PDF record of a SoftLayer quote. If the order is not a quote, an error will be thrown.
    • getPdfFilename
      Retrieve the default filename of an order PDF.
    • getPresaleEvent
    • getQuote
      The quote of an order. This quote holds information about its expiration date, creation date, name and status. This information is tied to an order having the status 'QUOTE'
    • getRecalculatedOrderContainer
      Generate an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order) from a billing order. This will take into account promotions, reseller status, estimated taxes and all other standard order verification processes.
    • getReceipt
      Generate a [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt) object with all the order information.
    • getReferralPartner
      The Referral Partner who referred this order. (Only necessary for new customer orders)
    • getUpgradeRequestFlag
      This flag indicates an order is an upgrade.
    • getUserRecord
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer object tied to an order.
    • isPendingEditApproval
      When an order has been modified, it will contain a status indicating so. This method checks that status and also verifies that the active user's account is the same as the account on the order.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order data type contains general information relating to an individual order applied to a SoftLayer customer account or to a new customer. Personal information in this type such as names, addresses, and phone numbers are taken from the account's contact information at the time the order is generated for existing SoftLayer customer.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order service controls the orders that are created whenever a SoftLayer customer's places a purchase. Orders exist in several states. The ones of concern are: *'''QUOTE_PENDING''': Orders which have not been paid yet. Orders pending approval from a Softlayer customer. Once an order is paid it moves from QUOTE_PENDING to PENDING_APPROVAL state. Orders are created with contact information duplicated from the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) or by manual entry. We do this in order to maintain a history of an account's contact information as orders are generated. Query the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service to get a list of orders for your account.

