June 3, 2011

Tags blog

The End Is Nigh

<p>As the depletion of IPv4 space draws nearer we have added a new requirement when placing an order which contains addt

As the depletion of IPv4 space draws nearer we have added a new requirement when placing an order which contains addtional IP addresses. In addition to the usual suspects you will need to add an additional array to your order container object: itemCategoryQuestionAnswers.
One of the SL developers, Kien Phan, was kind enough to provide the example which can be found at the bottom of this post, but for the johnny-on-the-spots out there you can get a list of the possible questions with an Object Mask of questions for SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category with a categoryId of 14(secondary IP addresses).

And if you happen to have your API username and key handy you can follow the link:

  • The number of IP addresses expected to be used within the next 30 days.
  • The number of IP addresses expected to be used within the next 6 months.
  • A brief explanation of the reason(s) that additional IPs are needed.
  • The name of the contact person.
  • The job title of the contact person.
  • The email address of the contact person.
  • The phone number of the contact person.
  • The flag indicating that the user confirms that the contact information is current and accurate.




If this article contains any error, or leaves any of your questions unanswered, please help us out by opening up a github issue.
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